d4EndgameGuidenecromancerBloodseason 7

Blood Wave – Necromancer Build for Diablo 4 (Season 7)

Send out Waves of Blood and dominate the meta!




Minion Overlord

Updated: Posted:

Blood WaveDecrepifyReapBlightBlood MistCorpse Explosion


Build Introduction

The Blood Wave build is expected to be the top-performing Necromancer build in all of Season 7 due to the extreme power being moved into the Ultimate skills. We thrive in both extreme crowd-control, damage, and survival with the correct item set-up. This build will take you to the highest tier of content and perform so well that you can even speed farm The Pit Tier 150 with it.

There will be plenty of required items for this build to work as listed down below in this guide in detail.

Build Variants

A build variant is a modified version of an existing build that changes some aspects of it, such as the damage type, specific skills or passives, and even certain items like different uniques or Legendary Aspects.

Below, you will find any variants that related to the Blood Wave Necromancer.

Strengths and Weaknesses

  • Expected to the highest performing Necromancer of Season 7
  • Safe and Comfortable
  • Extreme damage output
  • Heavy gear requirements to feel great
  • Not recommended to play till higher levels

To see how this build compares to the other builds on our site, you can check out our build tier lists.

Build Requirements

Required Uniques

Though they are not build requirements it is heavily recommended to get 2 Mythic Unique items being: Heir of PerditionHeir of Perdition as well as Shroud of False DeathShroud of False Death.

Skill Bar and Skill Tree Points

Suggested Skill Bar
Blood WaveBlood WaveDecrepifyDecrepifyReapReapBlightBlightBlood MistBlood MistCorpse ExplosionCorpse Explosion

Book of the Dead

Since we are focusing entirely on dealing brutal damage with our Blood Wave, we have no interest in bothering our minions, so they will all be sacrificed in the name of Lilith.

  • Melee Skeletons: Reapers – By sacrificing these you get tons of extra Shadow damage.
  • Mage Skeletons: Bone Mages – This makes our Overpower damage skyrocket.
  • Golem: Iron – Provides increased Critical Strike Damage.


Mercenaries provide a nice extra layer of power to your character and mostly comes down to preferential decision. Below you’ll see the set-up I personally would run for this build which is having Raheir as the Mercenary and for reinforcement I’d use Varyana!

Subo Skill Tree choices:

Varyana Reinforcement choices:

  • Opportunity Skill: Skill Cast – Whenever the player casts any skill in combat.
  • Reinforcement Skill: BloodthirstBloodthirst


In Season 7 we will have access to Witchpowers granting some absolutely crazy abilities that we’ll utilize to enhance our builds power. Below, you’ll find a list of the recommended powers we use for this build.

Red Power (Unique):

Purple Powers:

Paragon Board

Below you’ll find the entire end-game paragon board set-up for this build in detail!

Gear, Gems, Elixirs, and Stats

The following sections cover the important systems that are essential to improving the power of your character in the endgame of Diablo 4.

Legendary Aspects

Each aspect is listed with its matching gear slot. Do your best to keep each aspect in the assigned slot. Additionally, if you are trying to farm a specific item, we recommend using your Obols to target farm them!

Gear SlotGemsAspect / UniqueLegendary Aspect / Unique Power
HelmGrand TopazGrand TopazAspect of the Cursed AuraAspect of the Cursed AuraA dark aura surrounds you, inflicting Decrepify and Iron Maiden on enemies who touch it. Curses inflicted this way spread to surrounding targets every 2.5-0.3 seconds and last 4 seconds outside the aura.
ChestGrand TopazGrand TopazAspect of Hardened BonesAspect of Hardened BonesYou and your Minions gain 10-30% increased damage reduction.
GlovesN/AAspect of Ultimate ShadowAspect of Ultimate ShadowBone Storm and Blood Wave are also Darkness Skills, deal Shadow damage, and gain additional effects: Blood Wave creates Desecrated Ground as it travels, dealing X Shadow damage over 4 seconds.
PantsBacBac + QaxQaxKessime's LegacyKessime’s LegacyBlood Wave now creates a wave on each side of you and converge at your feet pulling enemies in as well as increasing the damage they take from your Blood Wave.
BootsN/AAspect of MetamorphosisAspect of MetamorphosisWhen you Evade you turn in to a cloud of bats, becoming Unstoppable for 2.5 seconds. Enemies along your path take X Physical damage and are inflicted with Vampiric Curse. Evade’s Cooldown is increased by X seconds.
Weapon 2H (Mace)ZanZan + VexVexTidal AspectTidal AspectBlood Wave fires 2 additional wave, each dealing X% of normal damage, but you can no longer recast it until the last wave ends.
AmuletAny Resistance GemAspect of Apogeic FurorAspect of Apogeic FurorCasting an Ultimate Skill increases your Ultimate damage by x#% up to x#%. At 10 stacks, your Cooldowns and this bonus are reset.
RingAny Resistance GemVehement Brawler's AspectVehement Brawler’s AspectCasting an Ultimate Skill increases your damage by #% for 8 seconds. Gain 2 additional Ultimate Skill Ranks.
RingAny Resistance GemFastblood AspectFastblood AspectBlood Orbs reduce your Ultimate Cooldown by 1-3 seconds.

Gems and Runewords

See below for a more detailed explanation of the best Gems to socket into your gear for each category.

Weapon GemsArmor GemsJewelry Gems
ZanZan + VexVexGrand TopazGrand Topaz
For increased Intelligence.
Royal AmethystRoyal Amethyst
Royal SapphireRoyal Sapphire
Royal RubyRoyal Ruby
Royal SkullRoyal Skull

The following Runewords are recommended for use in this build.

Runeword CombinationEffect
ZanZan + VexVexGain 150 Offering when casting an ultimate skill.
For 150 Offering you gain +1 to Skills for 10 seconds, able to overflow to +3.
BacBac + QaxQaxGain 50 Offering when you travel 5 meters.
For 400 Offering your next non-Basic Skill cast spends all of your Primary Resource to deal up to 100% increased damage.

In Season 7 we’ll have access to Occult Gems, below you’ll find the list of these gems we want to use for this build.

Which Elixirs Should You Use?

Visit the Alchemist and craft an Elixir providing any Resistance you need most, or the Elixir of Advantage IIElixir of Advantage II to increase Attack Speed. Some Elixirs cannot be crafted and only drop from things like Helltides or Nightmare Dungeons. Additionally, make sure to keep your health potion upgraded!

Stat Priority and Tempering Affixes

Below are the affixes to prioritize on gear. Each line of affixes is listed in order of importance. Tempering Manuals and their recommended affixes are provided in the second column, and the bolded affixes are the most important targets for Masterworking upgrades. Be sure to check our Tempering and Masterworking guides for more details about these topics.

SlotTargeted Gear AffixesTempering Affixes
Helm1. Cooldown Reduction
2. Intelligence
3. Maximum Life
Necromancer WallNecromancer Wall + Ranks to Drain Vitality
Worldly FortuneWorldly Fortune Lucky Hit #% Chance to Stun for 2 seconds
Chest1. Maximum Life
2. Armor
3. Intelligence
Worldly EnduranceWorldly Endurance #% Total Armor
Worldly FortuneWorldly Fortune Lucky Hit #% Chance to Stun for 2 seconds
Gloves1. Critical Strike Chance
2. Maximum Life
3. Intelligence
Blood FinesseBlood Finesse #% Damage while Fortified
Thorn ArmyThorn Army + Ranks to Spiked Armor
Boots1. Movement Speed
2. Maximum Life
3. Intelligence
Necromancer MotionNecromancer Motion #% Movement Speed
Thorn ArmyThorn Army + Ranks to Spiked Armor
Amulet1. Ranks to Coalesced Blood
2. % Intelligence
3. Maximum Life
Blood FinesseBlood Finesse #% Damage while Fortified
Necromancer EfficiencyNecromancer Efficiency #% Ultimate Cooldown Reduction
Ring #11. Intelligence
2. Lucky Hit: Chance to make enemies vulnerable
3. Maximum Life
Blood FinesseBlood Finesse #% Damage while Fortified
Necromancer InvigorationNecromancer Invigoration Casting Ultimate Skills Restores # Primary Resource
Ring #21. Intelligence
2. Maximum Life
3. Critical Strike Chance
Blood FinesseBlood Finesse #% Damage while Fortified
Necromancer EfficiencyNecromancer Efficiency #% Ultimate Cooldown Reduction
2H Weapon (Mace)1. Lucky Hit: Chance to Restore Essence
2. Maximum Life
3. Intelligence
Blood FinesseBlood Finesse #% Damage while Fortified
Dreadful AugmentsDreadful Augments + # Ranks to Titan’s Fall

Keep in mind that the maximum Resistance is 70% by default for each element and can be increased to 85% by various sources. Furthermore, Unique items cannot be tempered, only masterworked!

Rotation and Playstyle

The entire playstyle is all about grouping enemies together then explode with tsunami’s of actual Blood WaveBlood Wave that comes crashing down obliterating your enemies.

This is handled by providing corpse via ReapReap when needed to allow for Corpse ExplosionCorpse Explosion to provide more damage sources. We also have access to BlightBlight for more damage and crowd-control. Our Witchpower PiranhadoPiranhado helps group enemies together same as our Blood Waves.

Blood builds in general packs an insane amount of defense and sustain so you can expect to walk through content, grouping enemies together then watch them drown in blood.

Uniques and Mythic Uniques

Below you will find information on Uniques and Mythic Uniques that are useful for this build. Moreover, if you are interested in target farming Mythic Uniques, check out our How to Farm Mythic Uniques guide.


Advanced Information

Below, you will find every additional piece of information you need to know for a more in-depth look at this build.

Build Mechanics

The mechanics are pretty straight forward, we run a handful of different damage sources that helps Lucky Hits and general crowd-control such as Corpse Explosion and Blight. We generate corpses with Reap when required and it all comes down to grouping enemies up with the Witchpower PiranhadoPiranhado or simply by finally casting our big damage button Blood WaveBlood Wave.

The remaining mechanics of the build are all designed to lower the Cooldown of Blood Wave so that you can repeat the process. It’s very straight forward!


The build is designed to consistently be fully Fortified as well as having a massive Barrier covering your already crazy large health pool. All of this is adding to your defensive layers as well as your damage output thanks to the Overpower mechanic. Everything else that this build is bringing to the table helps control enemies via slows, stuns and/or pulling them back and forth as they collapse under your Blood Waves.


“Overpower”. The only word needed to describe the offensive approach this build brings to the table. By massively stacking our Life and Fortified pools we can deliver insane Overpower damages. This is handled by Blood WaveBlood Wave combined with a handful of specific Legendary Aspect Powers specifically scaling our Ultimate Skill damage output.

Obol Gambling

Obol gambling is a great way to potentially find item upgrades or items missing from your build. Check out the new tool from guide Icy Veins for gambling Obols in the link below.


  • January 19th, 2025: Guide posted for Season 7.
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