BarbarianBerserkerd4levelingmeleeseason 5

Double Swing Barbarian Leveling Build for Diablo 4 (Season 5)

Slice through demons with dual blades and tornadoes!




Updated: Posted:

Double SwingLeapCall of the AncientsWar CryLunging StrikeRallying Cry

General Leveling Tips

To find out more general information about leveling as a Barbarian in Diablo 4, you can check out our main Barbarian Leveling guide. You can also go to our Barbarian Builds page for a list of other leveling and endgame Barbarian builds for you to choose from.

In regard to leveling up on the seasonal realm, you might also want to check out our season checklist, as it will give you some useful tips and tricks for Season 5 of Diablo 4. Don’t miss this chance to make the most out of your leveling journey!

Season Checklist

Build Introduction

The point of this leveling guide is to quickly take your character from level 1 to 50 while using Double SwingDouble Swing and prepare for your transition into our Dust Devil Double Swing Endgame Build. This guide will walk you through the skill point placement for levels 1-50 and give some insight on how each passive and skill work together to create synergy able to tackle whatever form of leveling you choose to take. We will also give some insight on Legendary Aspects, Affixes, Gems, and Elixirs we can utilize to accelerate our journey.

Our primary skills with this build are Lunging StrikeLunging Strike as our primary Fury Generator. We’ll be augmenting this skill using:

Our core skill of choice is of course Double SwingDouble Swing. Our primary spender and what we will be using to carve demons into ribbons. We augment this skill with:

Now that we know the two most basic skills, we can look deeper into how we will allocate our skill points as we level up.

Allocation of Skill Points

Your first 20 skill points are used to acquire all of your skills, filling in passives points only as needed to advanced to the next tier. The allocation of these points is listed below.

Skill Point NumberAllocation
1Lunging StrikeLunging Strike
2Enhanced Lunging StrikeEnhanced Lunging Strike
3Battle Lunging StrikeBattle Lunging Strike
4Double SwingDouble Swing
5Enhanced Double SwingEnhanced Double Swing
6Violent Double SwingViolent Double Swing
7Rallying CryRallying Cry
8Enhanced Rallying CryEnhanced Rallying Cry
9Tactical Rallying CryTactical Rallying Cry
10Double SwingDouble Swing Level 2
11Double SwingDouble Swing Level 3
13Enhanced LeapEnhanced Leap
14Power LeapPower Leap
15War CryWar Cry
16Enhanced War CryEnhanced War Cry
17Mighty War CryMighty War Cry
18Thick SkinThick Skin
20CounteroffensiveCounteroffensive Level 2
21CounteroffensiveCounteroffensive Level 3
22Double SwingDouble Swing Level 4
23Double SwingDouble Swing Level 5
24Call of the AncientsCall of the Ancients
25Prime Call of the AncientsPrime Call of the Ancients
26Supreme Call of the AncientsSupreme Call of the Ancients
28SwiftnessSwiftness Level 2
29SwiftnessSwiftness Level 3
30Pit FighterPit Fighter
31Pit FighterPit Fighter Level 2
32Pit FighterPit Fighter Level 3
35Tough as NailsTough as Nails
36Aggressive ResistanceAggressive Resistance
37Battle FervorBattle Fervor
38Battle FervorBattle Fervor Level 2
39Battle FervorBattle Fervor Level 3
40Prolific FuryProlific Fury
41Prolific FuryProlific Fury Level 2
42Prolific FuryProlific Fury Level 3
43Aggressive ResistanceAggressive Resistance Level 2
44Aggressive ResistanceAggressive Resistance Level 3
47ConcussionConcussion Level 2
48ConcussionConcussion Level 3
49WallopWallop Level 2
50WallopWallop Level 3
51Imposing PresenceImposing Presence
52Imposing PresenceImposing Presence Level 2
53Imposing PresenceImposing Presence Level 3
54Booming VoiceBooming Voice
55Booming VoiceBooming Voice Level 2
56Booming VoiceBooming Voice Level 3
57Martial VigorMartial Vigor
58Martial VigorMartial Vigor

If you are making a Seasonal Character, you already start with 10 Skill Points, so it is even faster.

Your complete skill bar will look like this:

Suggested Skill Bar
Lunging Strike Lunging Strike Double Swing Double Swing War Cry War Cry Call of the Ancients Call of the Ancients Leap Leap Rallying Cry Rallying Cry

Skill Tree

Here is the completed skill tree for the build:

Skill Clusters

Let’s review each cluster in the skill tree and discuss our reasons behind each passive and skill choice so we have a good understand of the build before we transition into the Double Swing Endgame Build. Keep in mind, if you are leveling a new seasonal character you will have some additional points to start.

Basic Skills

Lunging StrikeLunging Strike is our choice for the basic skill and fury generator. This is used constantly to generate our resources and chase down foes. Fury will not be much of a hassle with this build as Double SwingDouble Swing is not terribly expensive and thanks to Enhanced Double SwingEnhanced Double Swing it refunds its own cost when we stun things. The main draw of Lunging StrikeLunging Strike is the mobility it provides to make sure we can chase down our foes.

Core Skills

Our core skill of choice is Double SwingDouble Swing which is used as our main spender and main source of damage. As we gain Fury through our generator as well as things like our Shouts such as Rallying CryRallying Cry we will spam Double SwingDouble Swing as often as possible. Thanks to the aforementioned Enhanced Double SwingEnhanced Double Swing if we carve into something stunned or knocked down it will refund its cost and allow us to keep chopping away. This attack is very fast and we can quickly consume our pool of Fury if we aren’t careful.

Defensive Skills

Our defensive skill cluster has a few things of note. Of course our main active button here Rallying CryRallying Cry and specifically Tactical Rallying CryTactical Rallying Cry which gives us some Fury generation. We will pick up some life through Imposing PresenceImposing Presence and with 1 point each in OutburstOutburst and Tough as NailsTough as Nails we can provide a source of Bleeding which will trigger other effects from our gear. Lastly of note here is Martial VigorMartial Vigor which will give us some mitigation against Elite monsters and bosses.

Brawling Skills

This cluster has a ton of passives and our main mobility skill LeapLeap which will help us get around faster and generate some resource for us through Power LeapPower Leap. It also brings an on-demand source of Berserking and Fortify through War CryWar Cry and its enhancing skills Enhanced War CryEnhanced War Cry for Berserking and Mighty War CryMighty War Cry for Fortify. We also take a ton of passives. Let’s review them below:

  • SwiftnessSwiftness – Movement speed to get around fast and keep on top of our targets
  • Aggressive ResistanceAggressive Resistance – Damage reduction helps our survival
  • Prolific FuryProlific Fury – Since we will almost always be Berserking, this gives us more control of our resource generation
  • Battle FervorBattle Fervor – Provides an easy way to enter the Berserking state through the use of LeapLeap
  • Booming VoiceBooming Voice – Increases the duration of our Shout skills to give us more resources and damage

Weapon Mastery Skills

Here we only focus on a few powerful passive skills. Let’s take a look:

  • Pit FighterPit Fighter – Increases both our offense and defense against close enemies and since we are a melee class, that is everything we want to be fighting
  • Thick SkinThick Skin – A small boost to give us more Fortify
  • CounteroffensiveCounteroffensive – A powerful damage boost as long as we have more than half of our life as Fortified health.

Ultimate Skills

For our Ultimate skill while leveling, we are choosing Call of the AncientsCall of the Ancients. It provides us with a source of stun for Enhanced Double SwingEnhanced Double Swing, Fury through Supreme Call of the AncientsSupreme Call of the Ancients and is just generally more useful before we move into an endgame build as what we don’t carve through, our ancients surely will.

Key Passive

Finally at the end of our tree our key passive of choice is UnconstrainedUnconstrained due to its many interactions with the Berserking state which we will be in almost all of the time. It gives us longer duration on the state making it easier to keep up and gives a massive damage multiplier while we’re in the Berserking state making it a huge gain for this build.

Mechanics and Playstyle

The majority of our power with this build comes from fast attacks with Double SwingDouble Swing and a few new Legendary Aspects that provide powerful Dust Devils when we swing. We want to start any encounter by Lunging StrikeLunging Strike to get into the group and then Double SwingDouble Swing away once we’re in carving the demons to ribbons. If LeapLeap is available, you’ll want to engage with that instead of Lunging StrikeLunging Strike. Use your War CryWar Cry liberally for its damage bonus, use Rallying CryRallying Cry to help manage your resources and whenever it is available or when you’re running into a boss or powerful elite, summon the squad with Call of the AncientsCall of the Ancients and get to swinging.


Perhaps the most critical component of getting the most out of this build is managing your Berserking state. We have a few options to enter it. Our main way will be through LeapLeap which counts as a Brawling Skill and will put is in the state whenever it hits an enemy thanks to Battle FervorBattle Fervor. Enhanced War CryEnhanced War Cry also provides us with an on-demand source of Berserking and lets us keep the flow going. Leaping in, double swinging, war cry, more double swinging, and leap to the next group to keep the chain going. Once we have our key passive UnconstrainedUnconstrained maintaining this chain and status will be much smoother and provide a large damage bonus for doing so, rewarding your management of this buff.

Leveling Options

There are many options to level your character: kill monsters, do quests in each region if you need the Renown, follow a Seasonal storyline, farm dungeons, or participate in regional events. With so many methods at your disposal, we’ve chosen some methods that will accelerate your path to the endgame. As always check out our Barbarian Leveling Guide for the best options.

The open world is full of monsters and activities, you are welcome to find your own path or leveling areas but if you are looking for some great options, here are two great suggestions for this build:


With the revamp to Helltide in Patch 1.4.0, it is available right from World Tier 1 and 2 and comes with a massive amount of loot and experience. For more details check out our Barbarian Leveling Guide.


Questing is a necessary evil if you are still grinding out your renown levels for each zone. If you need to complete your Renown, it can be a relatively easy way to get some quick experience along the way. If this is something you need to do, take as many quests as you can from one area and complete them all in one go. It may not feel necessarily faster, but going back and forth for each one is a waste of time.

Gear Affixes

In the early levels, targeting affixes on your gear can be very challenging. Part of the reason is we will be playing in world tier 2 and the best opportunity for rare gear is a maximum of 2 affixes. We will show three recommended affixes to give you some flexibility in what you will want. We will also be listing a Tempering Affix for each slot, keep in mind that tempering is more of an end-game system and with the frequency of gear replacements may not be the optimal thing to do while leveling. As a final reminder, non-ancestral items can only have 1 temper applied to them so we will be listing the best temper for each slot should you want to apply it.

Gear SlotTargeted AffixesTempering Affix
Helm1. Cooldown Reduction
2. Strength
3. Maximum Life
1. Crowd Control Duration Natural SchemesNatural Schemes
Chest1. Strength
2. Maximum Life
3. Needed Resistance
1. Crowd Control Duration Natural SchemesNatural Schemes
Gloves1. Attack Speed
2. Critical Strike Chance
3. Strength
4. Ranks to Double SwingDouble Swing
1. Damage While Berserking Berserking FinesseBerserking Finesse
Pants1. Strength
2. Maximum Life
3. Needed Resistance
1. Crowd Control Duration Natural SchemesNatural Schemes
Boots1. Movement Speed
2. Fury Per Second
3. Ranks to LeapLeap
1. Movement Speed Natural MotionNatural Motion
Amulet1. Cooldown Reduction
2. Attack Speed
3. Fury on Kill
1. Resource Generation with Dual Wield Weapons Weapon Attunement — BarbarianWeapon Attunement — Barbarian
Rings1. Critical Strike Chance
2. Attack Speed
3. Fury on Kill
1. Resource Generation with Dual Wield Weapons Weapon Attunement — BarbarianWeapon Attunement — Barbarian
2-Handed Weapons1. Strength
2. Fury on Kill
3. Maximum Life
1. Double Swing Size Berserking AugmentsBerserking Augments
Dual-Wield Weapons1. Strength
2. Fury on Kill
3. Maximum Life
1. Dust Devil Size Sandstorm AugmentsSandstorm Augments


Listed below are the best gems to socket into gear for each slot type.

  • Weapons: TopazTopaz for basic skill damage until around Level 20, and then SapphireSapphire for Vulnerable damage after.
  • Armor: RubyRuby for Maximum Life.
  • Jewelry: DiamondDiamond for all resistances.

Legendary Aspects

As a reminder, all Legendary items can be put into the new Codex of Power once salvaged. These are simply recommendations for the easiest to acquire early on during your leveling path.

Gear SlotLegendary AspectAspect Power
HelmAspect of Numbing WrathAspect of Numbing WrathEach point of Fury generated while at Maximum Fury grants [X] Fortify
ChestJuggernaut's AspectJuggernaut’s AspectGrant [X] Armor, but your Evade has a 100% increased Cooldown
GlovesAccelerating AspectAccelerating AspectCritical Strikes with Core Skills increase your Attack Speed by [10-25%] for 5 seconds.
PantsAspect of Bul-KathosAspect of Bul-KathosLeapLeap creates an Earthquake that deals [X] Physical damage over 4 seconds and provides [10-25%] Damage Reduction
BootsRelentless Berserker's AspectRelentless Berserker’s AspectLucky Hit: Damaging an enemy with a Core Skill has a [22-40%] chance to extend the duration of Berserking by 2 seconds. Double this duration if it was a Critical Strike
AmuletWindlasher AspectWindlasher AspectCasting Double SwingDouble Swing creates a Dust Devil that deals [X] damage to enemies in its path
Ring 1Bold Chieftain's AspectBold Chieftain’s AspectWhenever you cast a Shout Skill, its Cooldown is recduced by [1-2] seconds per nearby enemy up to a maximum of 6 seconds.
Ring 2Aspect of Giant StridesAspect of Giant StridesReduces the Cooldown of LeapLeap by [2.5-5] seconds per enemy hit, up to a maximum of 9 seconds. Hitting a Boss with LeapLeap provides the maximum cooldown reduction
2-Handed Bludgeoning WeaponAspect of Fierce WindsAspect of Fierce WindsYour Shout Skills create 3 Dust Devils that deal damage to enemies along their path. Your Dust Devils are [5-20%] bigger and deal 1% increased damage for each 1% their size is increased
2-Handed Slashing WeaponDevilish AspectDevilish AspectAfter generating 100 Fury, your next direct damage creates 3 Dust Devils that deal [X] damage to enemies in their path
Dual Wield Weapon 1Edgemaster’s AspectEdgemaster’s AspectSkills deal up to [5-20%] increased damage based on your available Primary Resource when cast, receiving the maximum benefit while you have full Primary Resource
Dual Wield Weapon 2Aspect of ElementsAspect of ElementsGrant + [20-30%] increased damage to a set of damage types for 7 seconds. This effect alternates between two sets: Fire, Lightning, and Physical. Cold, Poison, and Shadow.

Capstone Dungeon and Early Paragon

Once you hit Level 50 with this leveling build, you will be ready to complete your first Capstone Dungeon and unlock World Tier 3. This will open up the true endgame and allow you to collect new Sacred Rares and Legendary Aspects you will need to transition into the Endgame Upheaval Build. Once you upgrade your build to the Endgame build, you will be ready to push into Nightmare dungeons, World Tier 3 Capstone Dungeon, the Paragon Board system and so much more.

Here are some starter Paragon Boards for you to try.

Starting Board

  1. We want to head right and pass through BrawnBrawn and the physical damage amplifying magic nodes as we make our way up.
  2. We head to the glyph socket and unlock it, slotting in ExploitExploit.
  3. We pick up both rare nodes Iron StrengthIron Strength for mitigation and Raw PowerRaw Power for more physical damage.
  4. We grab enough Dexterity nodes to activate the secondary effect of our glyph. It isn’t likely to be level 15 yet so it won’t have the increased radius so we can grab enough to just barely turn it on
  5. Make our way out on the left side of the board and connect Warbringer.


  1. We begin by heading left and grabbing Hungering FuryHungering Fury and the surrounding fury nodes to smooth our resources out even more.
  2. Now we head right and unlock the glyph socket and slot in IreIre for its damage to berserking.
  3. We grab the rare node to the south Raw PowerRaw Power and ConditionedConditioned for their strength bonuses as well as the magic nodes around them.
  4. We finish by snapping up any other strength nodes necessary to activate the secondary effect of our glyph. It is unlikely to be level 15 at this point and won’t have the increased radius but we have plenty of strength nodes to activate it regardless.
  5. We make our way out to the right of the board and at this point, we should look to transition into the Dust Devil Double Swing Endgame Build.

Paragon Board images provided

Elixirs and Health Pots

Visit the Alchemist in any main town to craft helpful Elixirs that increase stats, and experience gain for 30 minutes. Make sure to forage plants and pick up the necessary crafting materials during your adventures; they randomly spawn around the world. Use Elixir of AdvantageElixir of Advantage for the attack speed but any Elixir you have for the extra experience as they all grant between 5 and 8% increased experience to help you fly to level 100 even faster.

Return to the Alchemist again when you reach Level 20, 30, 45, 60, 70, 80 and 90, to upgrade your potion. The extra healing is essential to survival.


  • August 4th 2024: Guide updated for season 5 and Patch 1.5.0
  • May 8th 2024: Guide created
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