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Diablo 4 – Rogue Skills Guide (Season 7)

Complete overview of all Rogue Skills, Enhancements, and Upgrades.




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The Rogue in Diablo 4 has access to 24 different skills in six categories. Additionally, certain skills also have a “combo effect” if the Rogue uses the Combo Points Specialization, as well as two upgrades that improve the skills in a variety of ways.

For a detailed list of Rogue passives, refer to our Rogue Passive Talents page.

Rogue Passive Talents

For more general information about the Rogue class, refer to our overview.

Rogue Overview

Rogue Basic Skills

Basic Skills are spammable skills that only deal a small amount of damage, and are used to apply debuffs or to regenerate Energy. For Rogues who want to make good use of the Combo Points Specialization, using Basic Skills is the only way to generate said Combo Points.

Blade Shift

Lucky Hit Chance50%
Damage TypePhysical
DescriptionQuickly stab your victim for {#}% damage and shift, making you Unhindered for 4 seconds.
Enhanced Blade ShiftEnhanced Blade ShiftWhile Blade Shift is active you gain 20% Movement speed. Moving through enemies refreshes its duration.
Fundamental Blade ShiftFundamental Blade ShiftCasting a skill that isn’t Blade Shift empowers your next Blade Shift to deal 100%[x] more damage.
Primary Blade ShiftPrimary Blade ShiftWhile Blade ShiftBlade Shift is active you gain {#}% to All Elements and reduce the duration of Control Impairing Effects by {#}%.

Invigorating Strike

Lucky Hit Chance50%
Damage TypePhysical
DescriptionMelee attack an enemy, dealing {#}% damage and increasing Energy Regeneration by x{#}% for {#} seconds.
Enhanced Invigorating StrikeEnhanced Invigorating StrikeDamaging a Crowd Controlled or Injured enemy with Invigorating StrikeInvigorating Strike increases its Energy Regeneration bonus to x{#}%.
Fundamental Invigorating StrikeFundamental Invigorating StrikeHitting an enemy with Invigorating StrikeInvigorating Strike while you are below {#}% Life makes them Vulnerable for {#} seconds.
Primary Invigorating StrikePrimary Invigorating StrikeInvigorating StrikeInvigorating Strike additionally grants +{#}% Lucky Hit Chance. Hitting a Crowd Controlled or Injured enemy increases this bonus to +{#}% Lucky Hit Chance.


Lucky Hit Chance35%
Damage TypePhysical
DescriptionThrow blades a short distance, dealing {#}% damage. Every {#}rd cast Slows enemies by {#}% for {#} seconds. Critical Strikes will always Slow.
Enhanced PunctureEnhanced PunctureGain {#} Energy when PuncturePuncture damages a Crowd Controlled enemy.
Fundamental PunctureFundamental PuncturePuncturePuncture now throws three blades in a spread, each dealing {#}% of its base damage. Hitting an enemy with at least two blades at once makes them Vulnerable for {#} seconds.
Primary PuncturePrimary PunctureEvery {#}rd cast of PuncturePuncture will also ricochet up to two times. Critical Strikes will always ricochet.


Lucky Hit Chance50%
Damage TypePhysical
DescriptionFire an arrow that seeks an enemy, dealing {#}% damage and increasing your Critical Strike Chance against them by +{#}% for {#} seconds, up to +{#}%.
Enhanced HeartseekerEnhanced HeartseekerWhen HeartseekerHeartseeker Critically Strikes, gain +{#}% Attack Speed for {#} seconds. Double this amount if the enemy is Vulnerable.
Fundamental HeartseekerFundamental HeartseekerHeartseekerHeartseeker also increases the Critical Strike Damage the enemy takes by +{#}% for {#} seconds, up to +{#}%.
Primary HeartseekerPrimary HeartseekerHeartseekerHeartseeker ricochets to an additional enemy, dealing {#}% of the original damage.

Forceful Arrow

Lucky Hit Chance50%
Damage TypePhysical
DescriptionFire a powerful arrow at an enemy, dealing {#}% damage. Every 3rd cast makes the enemy Vulnerable for {#} seconds.
Enhanced Forceful ArrowEnhanced Forceful ArrowEvery third cast of Forceful ArrowForceful Arrow additionally has a +{#}% increased Critical Strike Chance.
Fundamental Forceful ArrowFundamental Forceful ArrowForceful ArrowForceful Arrow Knocks Back the enemy if they are Close. If they collide with an enemy, both are Knocked Down for {#} seconds.
Primary Forceful ArrowPrimary Forceful ArrowForceful ArrowForceful Arrow pierces through Vulnerable enemies.

Rogue Core Skills

Despite costing a lot of Energy, Core Skills deal much more damage than Basic Skills and are more AoE (area of effect) based. These skills become especially powerful in combination with the Combo Points Specialization.

Twisting Blades

Energy Cost30
Lucky Hit Chance33%
Damage TypePhysical
Weapon TypeRequires Dual-Wielded Weapons
DescriptionImpale an enemy with your blades, dealing {#}% damage and making them take x{#}% increased damage while impaled. After {#} seconds the blades return to you, piercing enemies for {#}% damage.
Combo Points EffectCombo Points increase damage and grant a Movement Speed bonus.
1 Point: {#}% Damage, {#}% bonus.
2 Points: {#}% Damage, {#}% bonus.
3 Points: {#}% Damage, {#}% bonus.
Enhanced Twisting BladesEnhanced Twisting BladesTwisting BladesTwisting Blades deals x{#}% increased damage when returning.
Improved Twisting BladesImproved Twisting BladesEnemies are Dazed while impaled with Twisting BladesTwisting Blades.
Advanced Twisting BladesAdvanced Twisting BladesWhen your Twisting BladesTwisting Blades return, you gain +{#}% Cooldown Reduction per enemy they passed through for {#} seconds, up to +{#}%.


Energy Cost25
Lucky Hit Chance20%
Damage TypePhysical
Weapon TypeRequires Dual-Wielded Weapons
DescriptionUnleash a flurry of stabs and slashes, dealing {#}% damage to enemies in front of you.
Combo Points EffectCombo Points increase damage and grant a +{#}% Attack Speed.
1 Point: {#}% Damage, {#} Attack Speed bonus.
2 Points: {#}% Damage, {#} Attack Speed bonus.
3 Points: {#}% Damage, {#} Attack Speed bonus.
Enhanced FlurryEnhanced FlurryEach time FlurryFlurry damages an enemy, it has a {#}% chance to apply Vulnerable for {#} seconds and deals {#}% increased damage for {#} seconds after hitting a Vulnerable enemy, up to a total of {#}%.
Improved FlurryImproved FlurryCasting FlurryFlurry dashes you to the target and Heals {#}% of your Maximum Life.
Advanced FlurryAdvanced FlurrySuccessive casts of FlurryFlurry increase its damage by {#}% and reduce its Energy cost by {#}%, up to {#} times.

Penetrating Shot

Energy Cost35
Lucky Hit Chance50%
Damage TypePhysical
Weapon TypeRanged Weapon
DescriptionFire an arrow that pierces through all enemies in a line, dealing {#}% damage.
Combo Points EffectCombo Points increase Damage and Lucky Hit Chance.
Enhanced Penetrating ShotEnhanced Penetrating ShotCasting Penetrating ShotPenetrating Shot and hitting a Boss or Elite with it has a {#}% Chance to fire an additional shot for free.
Improved Penetrating ShotImproved Penetrating ShotPenetrating ShotPenetrating Shot deals an additional {#}%[x] increased damage per enemy it hits.
Advanced Penetrating ShotAdvanced Penetrating ShotWhen cast with full Energy, Penetrating ShotPenetrating Shot will Slow all enemies it hits by {#}% for {#} seconds. Elite enemies will take {#}%[x] increased damage and be Knocked Down for {#} seconds.

Rapid Fire

Energy Cost25
Lucky Hit Chance20%
Damage TypePhysical
Weapon TypeRanged Weapon
DescriptionRapidly fire {#} arrows, each dealing {#}% damage.
Combo Points EffectCombo Points increase damage and arrows fired.
1 Point: {#}% Damage, {#} arrows.
2 Points: {#}% Damage, {#} arrows.
3 Points: {#}% Damage, {#} arrows.
Enhanced Rapid FireEnhanced Rapid FireEach subsequent arrow from Rapid FireRapid Fire has +{#}% increased Critical Strike Chance, up to +{#}% for the {#}th arrow
Improved Rapid FireImproved Rapid FireGain {#} Energy per cast of Rapid FireRapid Fire when it damages a Vulnerable enemy.
Advanced Rapid FireAdvanced Rapid FireRapid FireRapid Fire deals x{#}% increased Critical Strike Damage for {#} seconds after you Evade.


Energy Cost30
Lucky Hit Chance16%
Damage TypePhysical
Weapon TypeRanged Weapon
DescriptionUnleash a barrage of {#} arrows that expands outwards, each dealing {#}% damage. Each arrow has a {#}% chance to ricochet off an enemy up to {#} time. Ricochets deal {#}% of the arrow’s base damage.
Combo Points EffectCombo Points increase damage and arrows fired.
1 Point: {#}% Damage, {#} arrows.
2 Points: {#}% Damage, {#} arrows.
3 Points: {#}% Damage, {#} arrows.
Enhanced BarrageEnhanced BarrageBarrageBarrage‘s ricochet chance is increased to 100% for arrows that damage a Vulnerable enemy or Critically Strike any enemy.
Improved BarrageImproved BarrageEvery third cast of BarrageBarrage makes enemies Vulnerable for {#} seconds.
Advanced BarrageAdvanced BarrageWhenever a single cast of BarrageBarrage ricochets at least {#} times, your next cast gains +{#}% increased Critical Strike Chance.

Rogue Agility Skills

Agility Skills allow the Rogue to move swiftly and develop a strategy for repositioning and engaging enemies. Dash is especially useful for fast-paced combat, and should be included in almost every Rogue build.

Shadow Step

Cooldown9 seconds
Lucky Hit Chance100%
Damage TypePhysical
DescriptionBecome Unstoppable and quickly move through the shadows to stab your victim from behind for {#}% damage. Gain {#}% increased Movement Speed for {#} seconds afterwards.
Enhanced Shadow StepEnhanced Shadow StepDamaging an enemy with Shadow StepShadow Step Dazes and applies Vulnerable to them for {#} seconds.
Methodical Shadow StepMethodical Shadow StepAfter you Shadow StepShadow Step you gain {#}% Damage Reduction for {#} seconds.
Disciplined Shadow StepDisciplined Shadow StepShadow Step deals 300%[x] more damage. Casting Shadow Step reduces its cooldown by 3 seconds.


Cooldown12 seconds
Lucky Hit Chance25%
Damage TypePhysical
DescriptionDash forward and slash enemies for {#}% damage. Dash Slows enemies hit by {#}% for {#} seconds.
Enhanced DashEnhanced DashCasting DashDash increases your Critical Strike Chance by {#}% for {#} seconds.
Methodical DashMethodical DashDash has 1 additional Charge and its Charge Cooldown is reduced by {#} seconds.
Disciplined DashDisciplined DashAt the end of DashDash, Knock Down surrounding enemies for {#} seconds and deal {#}% of its damage to them.


Cooldown12 seconds
Lucky Hit Chance25%
Damage TypePhysical
DescriptionLeap backwards and throw caltrops on the ground, dealing {#}% damage and Slowing enemies by {#}%. Lasts {#} seconds.
Enhanced CaltropsEnhanced CaltropsEnemies in CaltropsCaltrops take {#}%[x] increased damage from you, increased by {#}%[x] each second.
Methodical CaltropsMethodical CaltropsCaltropsCaltrops now deals Cold damage and Chills enemies for {#}% per second.
Disciplined CaltropsDisciplined CaltropsYou have +{#}% Critical Strike Chance against enemies inside your CaltropsCaltrops. Double this amount against Vulnerable enemies.

Dance of Knives (Vessel of Hatred)

Cooldown1 second
Lucky Hit Chance25%
Damage TypePhysical
DescriptionWhile Channeling, gain 20%[+] increased Movement Speed, 10%[+] Dodge chance, and launch knives at nearby enemies, each dealing 86% Weapon damage.
Enhanced Dance of KnivesEnhanced Dance of KnivesMoving 30 meters while Channeling Dance of Knives grants 4 Charges.
Methodical Dance of KnivesMethodical Dance of KnivesWhen you stop Channeling Dance of Knives, drop up to 12 Stun Grenades, each dealing 20% Weapon damage. The Channeled duration determines how many are dropped.
Disciplined Dance of KnivesDisciplined Dance of KnivesDance of Knives Slows enemies hit by 25% for 3 seconds. Each Knife has a 20% chance to pierce the enemy.

Rogue Subterfuge Skills

Subterfuge skills are a good addition to support any build, as they allow the Rogue to use various traps and tricks to escape even large groups of enemies.

Dark Shroud

Cooldown20 seconds
DescriptionSurround yourself with up to {#} protective shadows. Gain +{#}% Damage Reduction per active shadow. Each time you take direct damage, that damage is reduced and a shadow is consumed. You can only lose 1 Dark Shroud shadow every 1.5 seconds.
Enhanced Dark ShroudEnhanced Dark ShroudEach active shadow from Dark ShroudDark Shroud grants you {#}% increased Movement Speed and also has a {#}% chance to not be Consumed.
Subverting Dark ShroudSubverting Dark ShroudYou Heal for {#}% of your Maximum Life when a Dark ShroudDark Shroud shadow is removed.
Countering Dark ShroudCountering Dark ShroudWhile you have at least {#} active shadow from Dark ShroudDark Shroud, gain +{#}% Critical Strike Chance.

Smoke Grenade

Cooldown10 seconds
Lucky Hit Chance25%
DescriptionThrow a smoky concoction at enemies that Dazes them for {#} seconds.
Enhanced Smoke GrenadeEnhanced Smoke GrenadeEnemies hit by Smoke GrenadeSmoke Grenade take x{#}% increased damage from you for {#} seconds.
Subverting Smoke GrenadeSubverting Smoke Grenade Smoke GrenadeSmoke Grenade  now deals Poison damage and applies another {#}% Poisoning damage over {#} seconds.
Countering Smoke GrenadeCountering Smoke GrenadeHitting an Elite or Boss with Smoke GrenadeSmoke Grenade reduces its Cooldown by {#} seconds.

Poison Trap

Cooldown10 seconds
Lucky Hit Chance20%
Damage TypePoison
DescriptionPlace a trap that arms after {#} seconds. It activates when an enemy moves within range, applying {#}% Poisoning damage over {#} seconds to enemies in the area. You can have 4 armed traps out at once.
Enhanced Poison TrapEnhanced Poison TrapPoison TrapPoison Trap Immobilizes enemies for {#} seconds when it activates.
Subverting Poison TrapSubverting Poison TrapEnemies take x{#}% increased Poisoning damage while standing in Poison TrapPoison Trap.
Countering Poison TrapCountering Poison TrapPoison TrapPoison Trap has a {#}% chance to reset your Imbuement Skill Cooldowns when activated.


Cooldown20 seconds
DescriptionVanish from sight, gaining Stealth and Unhindered for {#} seconds. During Concealment you additionally become Unstoppable, gain +{#}% Movement Speed, and can move through enemies freely. Using an attack Skill during Concealment will break Concealment.
Enhanced StealthEnhanced StealthYou gain {#} Energy when you enter ConcealmentConcealment.
Subverting StealthSubverting StealthThe Skill that breaks Concealment is always a Critical Strike and makes enemies Vulnerable for 6 seconds.
Countering StealthCountering StealthCasting Concealment grants 10% Dodge Chance and increases the Movement Speed bonus to 60%[+] for 5 seconds.

Rogue Imbuement Skills

Imbuement Skills add an extra effect to the next two weapon attacks of the Rogue. Imbuement Skills each have a cooldown and therefore work well with slower-paced playstyles, such as the Combo Points Specialization.

Poison Imbuement

Cooldown13 seconds
Lucky Hit Chance33%
Damage TypePoison
DescriptionImbue your weapons with lethal poison. The next {#} Imbueable Skills deal Poison damage and apply up to {#}% Poison damage over {#} seconds.
Enhanced Poison ImbuementEnhanced Poison ImbuementCasting Poison ImbuementPoison Imbuement generates {#} Energy, increased by {#} for each Nearby Poisoned enemy.
Mixed Poison ImbuementMixed Poison ImbuementLucky Hit: Poison Imbued skills have up to a {#}% chance to reduce Poison Imbuement’s cooldown by {#} seconds.
Blended Poison ImbuementBlended Poison ImbuementCritical Strikes with Poison Imbued Skills deal x{#}% increased Poisoning damage.

Shadow Imbuement

Cooldown13 seconds
Lucky Hit Chance33%
Damage TypeShadow
DescriptionImbue your weapons with festering shadows. The next {#} Imbueable Skills deal Shadow damage and infect enemies for {#} seconds. Infected enemies explode on death, dealing {#}% damage to all surrounding enemies. If the infection expires before the enemy dies, it will deal {#}% damage to only that enemy.
Enhanced Shadow ImbuementEnhanced Shadow ImbuementYou gain 15%[+] increased Critical Strike Chance against enemies infected by Shadow Imbuement.
Mixed Shadow ImbuementMixed Shadow ImbuementCold Imbuement applies to 2 additional Imbueable Skills and reduces their Energy cost by 35%.
Blended Shadow ImbuementBlended Shadow ImbuementShadow Imbuement’s damage makes enemies Vulnerable for 3 seconds

Cold Imbuement

Cooldown13 seconds
Damage TypeCold
DescriptionImbue your weapons with frigid energies. Your next {#} Imbueable Skills deal Cold damage and Chill enemies for up to {#}%. Cold Imbued skills deal x{#}% damage to Crowd Controlled enemies.
Enhanced Cold ImbuementEnhanced Cold ImbuementLucky Hit: Cold Imbued Skills have up to a {#}% chance to make enemies Vulnerable for {#} seconds.
Mixed Cold ImbuementMixed Cold ImbuementCold Imbued Skills deal x{#}% increased damage to Crowd Controlled enemies. Double this bonus against Frozen enemies.
Blended Cold ImbuementBlended Cold ImbuementLucky Hit: Cold Imbued Skills have up to a {#}% chance to instantly Freeze enemies for {#} seconds.

Rogue Ultimate Skills

Ultimate Skills are powerful skills with an especially long cooldown. Ultimate Skills must be built around in order to be effective, and only one Ultimate Skill can be chosen at a time.

Shadow Clone

Cooldown60 seconds
Damage TypePhysical
DescriptionSummons a Shadow Clone that mimics the Rogue’s actions for {#} seconds. The shadow deals {#}% of the Rogue’s damage
Rank 5 BonusCasting Shadow Clone will Daze surrounding enemies for 3 seconds and deal 200% damage to them. Your Shadow Clone becomes a Cutthroat Skill on cast.
Prime Shadow ClonePrime Shadow CloneYou gain Stealth and Unstoppable for {#} seconds after casting Shadow CloneShadow Clone.
Supreme Shadow CloneSupreme Shadow CloneYour Shadow CloneShadow Clone deals an additional 20% of your damage.

Death Trap

Cooldown50 seconds
Lucky Hit Chance4%
Damage TypeShadow
DescriptionPlace a trap that arms after {#} seconds. It activates when an enemy moves within range, dealing {#}% damage to enemies in the area. Enemies are Pulled into Death Trap when it activates. If Death Trap kills an enemy, its cooldown is reduced by 10 seconds.
Rank 5 BonusDeath Trap has an additional Pull In effect when it appears
Prime Death TrapPrime Death TrapDeath Trap Slows all surrounding enemies by 85% for 5 seconds when it activates.
Supreme Death TrapSupreme Death TrapEnemies that resist Death Trap’s pull in are hit again for 120% of Death Trap’s damage.

Rain of Arrows

Cooldown50 seconds
Lucky Hit Chance12%
Damage TypePhysical
DescriptionArrows immediately rain down over a large area dealing damage and Knocking Down all enemies hit for 3 seconds.
Rank 5 BonusRain of Arrows damage is increased by 80% of your Damage to Distant bonus.
Prime Rain of ArrowsPrime Rain of ArrowsImbuement Skill effects applied by Rain of ArrowsRain of Arrows have x{#}% increased potency.
Supreme Rain of ArrowsSupreme Rain of ArrowsRain of Arrows deals 60% increased damage to both Vulnerable and Crowd Controlled enemies.

Rogue Dismount Skill

While mounted, the Rogue has access to a unique Dismount Skill that causes them to leap off their mount and shoot a rain of arrows in midair. Players that are struck by an enemy are automatically dismounted and are unable to use their Dismount Skill.

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