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Runewords in Diablo 4 (Season 6)

Find out what Runewords are and how you can augment your build with them!




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Runewords are making a comeback in Diablo 4, following their success in Diablo 2. This system builds upon the traditional Gem mechanics of the game, allowing you to craft your own spells for even more build customization. Runewords are only available to players who have purchased the Vessel of Hatred expansion.

What are Runewords?

Runewords consist of two types of runes: the Rune of Ritual and the Rune of Invocation.

  • Rune of Ritual: This rune represents the action or condition your character needs to fulfill.
  • Rune of Invocation: This is the power or ability triggered once the conditions of the Rune of Ritual are met.

With a wide variety of runes available, you can create numerous combinations to complement your build. Runewords even offer access to skills from other classes, such as:

  • Sorcerer’s Teleport
  • Barbarian’s Enhanced War Cry
  • Spiritborn’s Vortex
  • Necromancer’s Horrid Decrepify
  • Rogue’s Countering Concealment
  • Druid’s Petrify

Every class shares two skills and one aspect in the Runewords system. You can find the different runes in the list below. Some runes even cast the improved version of the skill, like Enhanced War Cry for example. If you equip your own class skill, you will always cast the best possible version in case you have skilled more points in your own talent tree.

Offering and Overflow Mechanics

When you perform the action required by the Rune of Ritual, it generates Offering, which is used by the Rune of Invocation to trigger its effect. The amount of Offering generated depends on the difficulty of the action. The more powerful the Rune of Invocation, the more Offering it will consume.


  • The Rune of Ritual Bac generates 50 Offering every time your character moves 5 meters.
  • The Rune of Invocation Jah consumes 500 Offering and replaces your next Evade with the Sorcerers Teleport.
  • Combining them into BacJah means every time you move 50 meters (10x Bac), your next Evade will turn into Teleport (Jah).

You can monitor Offering generation in your buff bar located above your skills. The icon itself will change in function of the Runeword you equipped. The purple hue on top of the icon indicates how much Offering has been generated so far.

There is also the Overflow mechanic, which occurs when more Offering is generated than needed to trigger the Rune of Invocation. This can apply a bonus, increasing the power of your Runeword.


  • The Rune of Ritual Xol generates 150 Offering whenever you use a power from another class.
  • The Rune of Invocation Qax requires 400 Offering and uses all your Primary Resource to deal up to 100% increased damage.
  • With a 50 Offering Overflow (3x Xol = 450 Offering generated), Qax‘s Overflow bonus kicks in, further increasing damage output.

How to Equip Runewords

You can simply drag and drop the runes in sockets on a piece of gear in order to equip them. There are a few key things to remember when equipping Runewords:

  • Two Sockets Required: Only gear with two sockets can hold Runewords – this includes Helms, Chests, Pants, and 2-Handed Weapons.
  • Replaces Gems: Runewords cannot coexist with gems on the same item.
  • Equip Limit: You can only equip two Runewords at a time, so choose wisely to complement your build.
  • No Duplicate Runes: You cannot equip the same rune twice on your gear.

How to Obtain Runes

Runes come in three rarities: Magic, Rare, and Legendary. The rarity affects the strength of both the trigger and the effect, as well as the Offering generation or requirements.

They will be unlocked with a quest in the Vessel of Hatred campaign, and can then be obtained through a variety of endgame activities. However, completing Kurast Undercity can reward you with more runes. Additionally, they can be crafted or traded with other players.

In terms of storage, runes conveniently stack in your inventory or stash, and they will automatically be added to the “Socketables” tab of your inventory.

Runewords List

Runes of Ritual

RuneRarityOffering GainTrigger
CemMagic50 OfferingCast Evade.
CirMagic25 OfferingCast the same non-Channeled Skill 3 times in a row.
MoniMagic10 OfferingCast a Skill after moving. (Cooldown: 0.2 seconds).
UrMagic10 OfferingYour Minion or Companion kills an enemy or dies.
YaxMagic100 OfferingDrink a Healing Potion.
ZanMagic150 OfferingCast an Ultimate Skill.
FeoRare1000 OfferingBecome Injured or Crowd Controlled (Cooldown: 20 seconds).
KaaRare2 OfferingLose 1% of your Maximum Life.
NeoRare300 OfferingDeal damage after not taking any within 5 seconds. (Resets if Invulnerable.)
NocRare5 OfferingInflict a Crowd Control that isn’t Slow or Chill.
PocRare2 OfferingSpend 5% of your Maximum Resource.
AhuLegendary10 OfferingUp to a 100% chance against Injured enemies.
BacLegendary50 OfferingTravel 5 meters.
LithLegendary25 OfferingStand still for 0.3 seconds.
TamLegendary25 OfferingCast a non-Channeled Core Skill.
XolLegendary150 OfferingEvoke power from another Class.
YulLegendary50 OfferingCast a Skill with a Cooldown.

Runes of Invocation

RuneRarityOffering RequirementCooldownPowerOverflow
CehMagic100 Offering1 SecondSummon a Spirit Wolf to attack enemies for 8 seconds.Summon Multiple Wolves
GarMagic25 Offering1 SecondGain 2.5% Critical Strike Chance for 5 seconds, up to 25%.Gain Multiple Stacks
LumMagic5 Offering1 SecondRestore 1 Primary Resource.Increased Resource Restored
MetMagic100 Offering1 SecondYou leave the Necromancer’s Desecrated Ground behind you for 3 seconds, dealing damage to enemies within.Increased Duration
OnoMagic25 Offering 1 SecondEvoke the Druid’s Dancing Bolts, seeking and dealing damage to enemies.Increased Bolts Spawned
TalMagic100 Offering 1 SecondEvoke the Spiritborns Pestilent Swarm, dealing damage to enemies.Increased Swarms Spawned
TebMagic100 Offering1 SecondEvoke the Necromancers Abhorrent Iron Maiden, counterattacking damage from enemies and Healing you when they die.None
TecMagic100 Offering1 SecondEvoke the Barbarian’s Earthquake, dealing damage to enemies within.Increased Size
TonMagic25 Offering1 SecondEvoke the Sorcerer’s Meteorites, dealing damage to enemies.Increased Meteorites Spawned
TunMagic100 Offering 1 SecondEvoke the Rogue’s Stun Grenades, Stunning and dealing damage to enemies.Increased Grenades Spawned
KryRare500 Offering3 SecondsEvoke the Spiritborn’s Vortex, dealing damage and Pulling In enemies.None
LacRare800 Offering1 SecondEvoke the Barbarian’s Challenging Shout, reducing your damage taken.Increased Duration
MotRare150 Offering1 SecondGain a shadow from the Rogue’s Dark Shroud, reducing damage taken per shadow.Gain Multiple Shadows
NerRare700 Offering6 SecondsEvoke the Rogue’s Countering Concealment, gaining Dodge Chance, Movement Speed, Unstoppable, and Stealth.Increased Duration
QaxRare400 Offering1 secondYour next non-Basic Skill cast spends all of your Primary Resource to deal up to 100% increased damage.Further Increased Damage
QueRare 800 Offering1 secondEvoke the Druid’s Earthen Bulwark, granting yourself a Barrier.Increased Duration
QuaRare400 Offering1 SecondRestore an Evade charge and gain 6% Movement Speed for 5 seconds, up to 30%.Increased Duration
ThulRare400 Offering 1 SecondEvoke the Sorcerer’s Mystical Frost Nova, inflicting Freeze and Vulnerable onto enemies.Increased Size
TzicRare250 Offering1 SecondEvoke the Spiritborn’s Concussive Stomp, dealing damage and Knocking Down enemies.None
WatRare100 Offering1 SecondEvoke the Necromancer’s Horrid Decrepify, Slowing enemies, reducing their damage, and letting you Execute them.None
XalRare200 Offering1 SecondGain 20% Maximum Life for 4 seconds.Increased Duration
ZecRare200 Offering2 SecondsReduce your active Ultimate Cooldown by 4 seconds.Further Reduced Cooldown
EomLegendary100 Offering1 SecondReduce your active Cooldowns by 0.25 seconds.Further Reduced Cooldowns
JahLegendary500 Offering2 SecondsReplace your next Evade with the Sorcerer’s Teleport, blinking further, dealing damage, and becoming Unstoppable.None
OhmLegendary500 Offering 2 SecondsEvoke the Barbarian’s Enhanced War Cry, increasing your Movement Speed and damage dealt.Increased Duration
VexLegendary400 Offering1 SecondGain +3 to all Skills for 5 seconds.Increased Duration
XanLegendary700 Offering1 SecondYour next Skill cast will be a guaranteed Critical Strike and Overpower.None
YomLegendary500 Offering5 SecondsEvoke the Druid’s Petrify, Stunning enemies and increasing your Critical Strike Damage against them.None


At the Jeweler, you can combine three of the same runes to create a new one. The new rune will always be different from the ones you traded off, and when using Magic or Rare runes, you might even obtain a rune of a higher rarity.

Mythic Unique Crafting

In addition to rune crafting, you can craft Mythic Uniques with runes. Each Mythic Unique requires 10 runes of three different types, along with a Resplendent SparkResplendent Spark. This is an additional layer to the existing Mythic Unique crafting system. However, it is worth noting that farming Legendary Runes for this purpose may prove to be quite challenging.

Ring of Starless SkiesRing of Starless SkiesResplendent SparkResplendent Spark x1, Ohm x10, Tzic x10, Cem x10
Heir of PerditionResplendent SparkResplendent Spark x1, Jah x10, Que x10, Gar x10
Harlequin CrestHarlequin CrestResplendent SparkResplendent Spark x1, Eom x10, Lac x10, Ton x10
Andariel's VisageAndariel’s VisageResplendent SparkResplendent Spark x1, Tam x10, Qax x10, Zan x10
Tyrael's MightTyrael’s MightResplendent SparkResplendent Spark x1, Lith x10, Feo x10, Met x10
Shroud of False DeathResplendent SparkResplendent Spark x1, Bac x10, Kry x10, Ur x10
Melted Heart of SeligMelted Heart of SeligResplendent SparkResplendent Spark x1, Vex x10, Thul x10, Tun x10
The GrandfatherThe GrandfatherResplendent SparkResplendent Spark x1, Xol x10, Kaa x10, Yax x10
Ahavarion, Spear of LycanderAhavarion, Spear of LycanderResplendent SparkResplendent Spark x1, Yom x10, Poc x10, Cir x10
Shattered VowResplendent SparkResplendent Spark x1, Xan x10, Ner x10, Teb x10
DoombringerDoombringerResplendent SparkResplendent Spark x1, Ahu x10, Neo x10, Lum x10

The Runeword system in Diablo 4 gives players the ability to mix and match powerful effects across different classes. Ever since Diablo 2, players have been asking for the return of Runewords. Now, the time has finally come!

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