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Shadow Step – Rogue Build for Diablo 4 (Season 7)

Speed through content with the fastest Rogue build!




Theorycraft Build Maker and Content Creator

Updated: Posted:

Shadow StepHeartseekerShadow CloneCaltropsDark Shroud


Build Introduction

The Shadow StepShadow Step Rogue is an advanced endgame build featuring Shadow CloneShadow Clone in Diablo 4, Vessel of Hatred. The infinite casts of Shadow Step enable this build to be the fastest speed-farmer within the Rogue class, perfect for Helltides, Nightmare Dungeons, and The Pit!

Season 7 Update (Patch 2.1): Shadow CloneShadow Clone is changed to inherit all benefits from the Rogue character and is now added to the build. The Shadow Step Rogue gains a substantial buff with Shadow Clone providing additional damage output.

This endgame guide assumes your character is Level 60 and fulfills the Build Requirements. If you are not ready for this build, follow the Rogue Leveling Guide to find a starter build.

Strengths and Weaknesses

  • Extremely high mobility for speed-farming
  • High burst damage
  • Multiple crowd controls to render entire groups of enemies helpless
  • Boss damage dependent on Stagger
  • Strict build requirements
  • Small cleave radius

Check the build tier lists to see how this build compares to others on Icy Veins.

Video Build Guide and Gameplay Footage

Build Requirements

The Shadow Step Rogue requires a high amount of Cooldown Reduction to be applied to Shadow StepShadow Step. With Disciplined Shadow StepDisciplined Shadow Step reducing the Cooldown by 3 seconds, the Shadow Step Cooldown on its tooltip needs to be lowered to at least 3.25 seconds for rapid casting (0.25 seconds account for the attack animation frames). Shadow CloneShadow Clone Cooldown should also be reduced. Obtain the following list of items before attempting the build.

  • Assassin's StrideAssassin’s Stride — A greater affix Mobility Cooldown Reduction with 3 masterworking bonuses is highly recommended.
  • At least 1 Ring or Amulet with a Shadow Step Cooldown Reduction temper.
  • At least 1 Ring or Amulet with a Shadow Clone Cooldown Reduction temper.

Skill Tree Points and Skill Bar

Skill Bar Setup for the Shadow Step Rogue (order does not matter)
Shadow StepShadow StepHeartseekerHeartseekerShadow CloneShadow CloneSmoke GrenadeSmoke GrenadeDark ShroudDark ShroudDashDash

The Skill Tree above shows the full allocation of 71 Skill Points for the Shadow Step Rogue build. Make sure you obtain the 12 Skill Points available from Renown.

Shadow ImbuementShadow Imbuement is automatically applied by Assassin's StrideAssassin’s Stride. Do not equip it on the Skill Bar.

Frigid FinesseFrigid Finesse is activated by a Lucky Hit Chance to Freeze temper. The damage buff also always applies against Staggered Bosses, as they count as being affected by all crowd controls.

Rogue Specialization

Preparation is the preferred specialization for the Shadow Step Rogue to grant 15% Damage Reduction and reduce Shadow CloneShadow Clone Cooldown. QaxQax consumes Energy to activate Preparation.

Gear, Gems, Elixirs, and Stats

The following sections cover the important systems that are essential to improving the power of your character in the endgame of Diablo 4.

Legendary Aspects

Listed below are all the best-in-slot Aspects for the Shadow Step Rogue build. Salvage Legendary Items with higher Aspect values to unlock them in the Codex of Power, and then imprint them onto Legendary Items with the preferred affixes.

Gear SlotNameEffect
Ranged Weapon (+100% bonus effect)Aspect of Apogeic FurorAspect of Apogeic FurorCasting an Ultimate Skill increases your Ultimate damage by x [6 – 10%] , up to x [60 – 100%]. At 10 stacks, your Cooldowns and this bonus are reset.
Amulet (+50 bonus effect)Ravager's AspectRavager’s AspectShadow Step has an additional Charge. Killing an enemy with Shadow Step refunds a Charge and increases the damage of Shadow Step by x [4.5 – 14.5%] for 2 seconds, up to x [27 – 87%].
Ring Slot #1 (Pitfighter's GullPitfighter’s Gull optional)Coldclip AspectColdclip AspectYour Basic Skills are always Cold Imbued. You deal x [5 – 20%] increased damage to enemies who are Chilled or Frozen.
Dual-Wielded Weapons or Ring Slot #2Vehement Brawler's AspectVehement Brawler’s AspectCasting an Ultimate Skill increases your damage by [10 – 30%] for 8 seconds. Gain 2 additional Ultimate Skill Ranks.
Dual-Wielded Weapons or Ring Slot #2Aspect of RetributionAspect of RetributionDistant enemies have a 10% chance to be Stunned for 2 seconds when they hit you. You deal x [15 – 35%] increased damage to Stunned and Knocked Down enemies.
Dual-Wielded Weapons or Ring Slot #2Aspect of Inner CalmAspect of Inner CalmDeal x [5 – 13%] increased damage. Triple this bonus after standing still for 3 seconds.
Gloves (replaced by Grasp of ShadowGrasp of Shadow)Clandestine AspectClandestine AspectGain + [3 – 5] Ranks to Agility and Subterfuge Skills.
HelmCowl of the NamelessCowl of the Nameless, Harlequin CrestHarlequin Crest, or Heir of PerditionHeir of PerditionSee Unique and Mythic Items section.
Chest (replaced by Shroud of False DeathShroud of False Death)Aspect of Concussive StrikesAspect of Concussive StrikesLucky Hit: Damaging an enemy has up to a 20% chance to Daze them for 2 seconds. You deal x [5 – 25%] increased damage to Dazed enemies.
PantsFrostbitten AspectFrostbitten AspectEnemies hit by your Grenade Skills have a chance equal to your Critical Strike Chance to be Frozen for 2 seconds. You deal x [10 – 30%] increased Critical Strike Damage against Frozen or Stunned enemies.
BootsAssassin's StrideAssassin’s StrideMobility Skills are always Shadow Imbued with [40 – 80%] increased potency. Lucky Hit: Damaging an Elite or Boss with a Mobility Skill has up to a [40 – 80%] chance to instantly triggers a free Shadow Imbuement explosion.

Gems and Runewords

Listed below are the best Gems to socket into gear for each item type.

Weapon GemsArmor GemsJewelry Gems
Grand EmeraldGrand Emerald for Critical Strike Damage.Grand EmeraldGrand Emerald for Dexterity.Any Resistance Gems needed or Grand SkullGrand Skull for Armor (up to the 1,000 Armor cap).

If you are playing the Season of Witchcraft (Season 7), visit Gelena at the Tree of Whispers to craft Occult Gems. Socketing 3 of the following Occult Gems into your jewelry, listed in order of importance.

  1. Elder SigilElder Sigil — Your Agility, Corpse, Potency, Mastery, Weapon Mastery, and Wrath Skills deal 25% increased direct damage to Hexed enemies.
  2. Pointed FingerPointed Finger — Your Summons deal 15% more direct damage to Hexed Elites.
  3. Voice of the StarsVoice of the Stars — While you have an Aura active, your Ultimate Skills gain each Grimoire tag and deal 10% more damage.
  4. Moonlight WardMoonlight Ward — For each rank in your slotted Unique Witchcraft Power, you gain 3% Damage Reduction and 0.5% Maximum Resistance to All Elements.
  5. Dust StoneDust Stone — For each of your Auras and Hexes an enemy is afflicted by, they take 2.5% increased damage from you.
  6. Hungering VoidHungering Void — While you have an Aura active, pull Nearby enemies toward you every 8 seconds.

Insert one of the following Runewords, consisting of a Rune of Offering and a Rune of Invocation, into your equipped Ranged Weapon. The other Runeword can be inserted into any equipped Helm, Chest, or Pants item. Add sockets to your equipment at the Jeweler if necessary.

Gain: 50 Offering — Cast a Skill with a Cooldown.
Requires: 400 Offering, Cooldown: 1 Second — Your next non-Basic Skill cast spends all of your Primary Resource to deal up to 100% increased damage.
Gain: 10 Offering — Inflict a Crowd Control. Gain double offering if it isn’t a Slow or a Chill.
Requires: 300 Offering, Cooldown: 3 Seconds — Invoke the Spiritborn’s Vortex, dealing damage and Pulling In enemies.


Visit the Alchemist in any main town to craft helpful Elixirs, or find Elixirs by killing enemies or opening chests during various activities in Diablo 4. Listed below are the best Elixirs to consume for the Shadow Step Rogue, ranked by importance.

  1. Elixir of PrecisionElixir of Precision provides the highest damage output increase, if not already capped at 100% Critical Strike Chance.
  2. Elixir of AdvantageElixir of Advantage increases damage output, if not already capped at 100% Attack Speed bonus from gear and Paragon.
  3. Elixir of FortitudeElixir of Fortitude is the best general-purpose option for survivability.

Stat Priority and Tempering Affixes

Listed below are the affixes to prioritize on gear for Shadow Step Rogues. Each line of affixes are listed in order of importance. Gear affixes on the same line are considered to be equally important, but their benefits may vary depending on how much is stacked or other character stats. Attempt to obtain all gear affixes in each line before moving to the next line. Yellow affixes are the most important targets for Masterworking upgrades, while blue affixes are secondary options.

Daggers are selected over Swords for the Damage to Close Enemies implicit when using Close Quarters CombatClose Quarters Combat. A Bow is preferred for a faster cast of HeartseekerHeartseeker.

If Critical Strike Chance is not capped at 100% (see Critical Strike Chance section), replace Critical Strike Damage with Vulnerable Damage instead.

The priority order of Resistances is Lightning > Poison > Fire > Cold > Shadow. Maximum Resistance is 70% by default for each element and can be increased to 85% by various sources.

Armor is only needed until capped at 1,000.

Check the Tempering Guide for more details on Blacksmith upgrading.

SlotGear AffixesTempering Affixes
Ranged Weapon1. Maximum Life, Dexterity, Critical Strike Damage1. Agile AugmentsAgile Augments (Weapon): Shadow Clone Double Damage
2. Natural FinesseNatural Finesse (Offensive): Damage to Close Enemies
Dual-Wielded Weapons1. Maximum Life, Dexterity, Critical Strike Damage1. Natural FinesseNatural Finesse (Offensive): Damage to Close Enemies
2. Assassin AugmentsAssassin Augments (Weapon): Shadow Step Cleaves
Helm1. Cooldown Reduction
2. Any uncapped Resistances or Armor
3. Maximum Life, Dexterity
1. Worldly EnduranceWorldly Endurance (Defensive): Armor up to 1,000 cap, otherwise Dodge Chance
2. Worldly FortuneWorldly Fortune (Utility): Lucky Hit Chance to Slow
Chest1. Ranks to Dark Shroud
2. Any uncapped Resistances or Armor
3. Maximum Life, Dexterity
1. Worldly EnduranceWorldly Endurance (Defensive): Armor up to 1,000 cap, otherwise Dodge Chance
2. Worldly FortuneWorldly Fortune (Utility): Lucky Hit Chance to Immobilize
Gloves1. Critical Strike Chance, Attack Speed
2. Any uncapped Resistances or Armor
3. Maximum Life, Dexterity
1. Natural FinesseNatural Finesse (Offensive): Damage to Close Enemies
2. Daze ControlDaze Control (Utility): Lucky Hit Chance to Daze
Pants1. Any uncapped Resistances or Armor
2. Maximum Life, Dexterity
1. Worldly FortuneWorldly Fortune (Utility): Lucky Hit Chance to Freeze
2. Worldly EnduranceWorldly Endurance (Defensive): Armor up to 1,000 cap, otherwise Rogue CloakingRogue Cloaking: Dodge Chance
BootsAssassin's StrideAssassin’s StrideMasterworking Priority: Mobility Cooldown Reduction
Amulet1. % Dexterity, Ranks to Frigid Finesse
2. Ranks to Unstable Elixirs
3. Ranks to Exploit or Malice
1. Agility EfficiencyAgility Efficiency (Resource): Shadow Step Cooldown Reduction
2. Natural FinesseNatural Finesse (Offensive): Damage to Close Enemies
Rings1. Critical Strike Chance, Attack Speed
2. Maximum Life, Dexterity, Critical Strike Damage
1. Agility EfficiencyAgility Efficiency (Resource): Shadow Step Cooldown Reduction or Ultimate Efficiency — RogueUltimate Efficiency — Rogue: Shadow Clone Cooldown Reduction
2. Natural FinesseNatural Finesse (Offensive): Damage to Close Enemies

Unique and Mythic Items

Listed below are the recommended and optional Unique Items for the Shadow Step Rogue build. Each item description includes the most important affix to target for Masterworking upgrades.

  • Cowl of the NamelessCowl of the Nameless (highly recommended) is best-in-slot for damage output if +7 Ranks to Trick AttacksTrick Attacks is granted by a greater affix and masterworking bonuses.
    • Masterworking Priority: Ranks to Trick Attacks
  • Heir of PerditionHeir of Perdition (optional) provides a consistent damage increase, which works against bosses that do not summon adds.
    • Masterworking Priority: Critical Strike Chance
  • Harlequin CrestHarlequin Crest (optional) is useful for a boosted Cooldown Reduction affix if you cannot reduce the Cooldown of Shadow StepShadow Step enough elsewhere.
    • Masterworking Priority: Cooldown Reduction
  • Assassin's StrideAssassin’s Stride (highly recommended) is the best source of Cooldown Reduction for Shadow StepShadow Step.
    • Masterworking Priority: Mobility Cooldown Reduction
  • Grasp of ShadowGrasp of Shadow (recommended) grants up to +8 Ranks to Shadow StepShadow Step with a greater affix and masterworking bonuses. The unique effect triggers an extra Shadow Clone to mimick Shadow Step, with an estimated 2 second internal cooldown.
    • Masterworking Priority: Ranks to Marksman or Cutthroat Skills
  • Fists of FateFists of Fate (optional) is helpful for faster staggers against bosses to push higher Tiers of The Pit. The unique effect provides up to 50% increased damage, coming close to a perfectly rolled and crafted Grasp of ShadowGrasp of Shadow.
    • Masterworking Priority: Attack Speed or Critical Strike Chance
  • Shroud of False DeathShroud of False Death (highly recommended) provides the highest damage increase in the slot due to the +1 Ranks to All Passives inherent affix.
    • Masterworking Priority: All Stats or Maximum Life
  • Pitfighter's GullPitfighter’s Gull (optional) provides a 45% damage increase after casting Smoke GrenadeSmoke Grenade.
    • Masterworking Priority: Critical Strike Chance


After Character Level 60, experience gains are applied to Paragon up to Level 300. A maximum of 228 Paragon Points can be obtained through Paragon Levels, Renown, and Altars of Lilith. Follow the Paragon setup designed for the Shadow Step Rogue to gain a considerable amount of progression for your character.

Glyphs are inserted into sockets on each Paragon board and can be found during various activities in Diablo 4. Level up the Glyphs included in the Paragon setup by completing The Pit. Clearing higher tiers of The Pit allows Glyphs to reach higher levels.

Important Notes:

  • Make sure you select the correct Legendary Boards and rotate them into the proper orientation.
  • Attach Legendary Boards in the order shown, as bonus requirements of Rare Nodes increase with their placement order.
  • Prioritize leveling each of your equipped Glyphs to 15 to gain the increased radius, which can be required to meet additional bonus requirements. Afterward, level each Glyph to 46 to unlock its Legendary Bonus and gain another radius increase.
  • 2 Paragon setup tabs are available! The Base Setup is designed to quickly unlock the essential Glyph sockets and Legendary Nodes at a moderate Paragon Level. The Full Setup additionally includes the remaining beneficial nodes.

Witchcraft Powers

In the Season of Witchcraft (Season 7), earn seasonal reputation to unlock Witchcraft Powers. Equip the following Witchcraft Powers to enhance this build.

  1. PiranhadoPiranhado: Lost Power
    • When an enemy is afflicted by both a Hex and an Aura Effect, a Piranhado is summoned pulling enemies towards it and dealing [X] Physical damage over [22] seconds. Additionally, Piranhado will seek nearby enemies. You can only Summon one Piranhado every 20 seconds.
    • At Rank 5: Piranhado now seek enemies.
  2. Aura of SiphoningAura of Siphoning: Growth and Decay Power
    • Conjure an aura of decay that deals [X] Poison damage to enemies every second.
    • At Rank 10: Each time Aura of Siphoning deals damage, you are healed for 1% of Maximum Life.
  3. Aura SpecializationAura Specialization: Lost Power
    • The size of your Aura Effects are increased by [79%].
    • At Rank 10: Increase the Critical Strike Damage by 50% against enemies inside your Aura Effects.
  4. Breath of the CovenBreath of the Coven: Lost Power
    • Dealing damage or applying Crowd Control with an Eldritch, Psyche, or Growth & Decay Effect increases your Attack Speed by + [15.5%] for 10 seconds, stacking once per category up to + [46.5%].
    • While all three bonuses are active, you gain +25% Lucky Hit Chance.
  5. Hex of ShatteringHex of Shattering: Psyche Power
    • Damage done by your Witchcraft Effects afflicts enemies with Hex of Shattering causing them to deal [20%] reduced damage for 5 seconds.
    • At Rank 8: When any Hex Effect is applied to Headrotten, all damage will be guaranteed Critical Strikes for 5 seconds.
  6. Soul HarvestSoul Harvest: Growth and Decay Power
    • Whenever you use a Cooldown, you gain x1% Primary Core Stat per surrounding enemy. This bonus lasts for [15.5] seconds.
    • While there are surrounding enemies, Soul Harvest has infinite duration.


Once the Den is unlocked during the main questline in the Vessel of Hatred expansion for Diablo 4, complete Mercenary key quests to acquire them. Hire a Mercenary and enlist a Reinforcement in the following setup.

Advanced Information

Additional details are provided in the following sections for a more in-depth explanation of the Shadow Step Rogue. Read this advanced information after understanding the basic overview of the build in the previous sections.

Build Mechanics

The Shadow Step Grenade Rogue is a specialized build that requires a high amount of Cooldown Reduction applied to Shadow StepShadow Step to function. Shadow Step is rapidly cast by lowering the base Cooldown to at least 3.25 seconds, while Disciplined Shadow StepDisciplined Shadow Step further reduces the Cooldown by 3 seconds. The remaining 0.25 seconds account for the attack animation frames of Shadow Step.

Shadow CloneShadow Clone contributes to the majority of damage output, and its Cooldown needs to be reduced with at least 1 Shadow Clone Cooldown Reduction temper. The Cooldown is further reduced by a YulYul QaxQax runeword that activates Preparation.

Shadow ImbuementShadow Imbuement is automatically applied by Assassin's StrideAssassin’s Stride to gain the benefits of Enhanced Shadow ImbuementEnhanced Shadow Imbuement and Mixed Shadow ImbuementMixed Shadow Imbuement.

Vulnerable status is applied by Enhanced Shadow StepEnhanced Shadow Step to multiple enemies with Shadow Step Cleave tempers.

Critical Strike Chance

Critical Strike Chance should be capped at 100% to fully utilize Critical Strike Damage bonuses. A total of 25% Critical Strike Chance is granted through the Skill Tree by Subverting Dark ShroudSubverting Dark Shroud and Enhanced Shadow ImbuementEnhanced Shadow Imbuement. Fundamental HeartseekerFundamental Heartseeker, Enhanced DashEnhanced Dash, and Trick AttacksTrick Attacks can also be somewhat reliable.

The character stats sheet needs to display the remaining Critical Strike Chance, acquired through gear. Greater Affixes and/or Masterworking Bonuses for Critical Strike stats on gear can be utilized. Elixir of Precision IIElixir of Precision II can also be used if needed.

Damage Rotation

Use the following rotation to optimize damage output.

  1. Activate Dark ShroudDark Shroud to prepare for battles.
  2. Hit elites and bosses with Smoke GrenadeSmoke Grenade to apply Enhanced Smoke GrenadeEnhanced Smoke Grenade and activate Pitfighter's GullPitfighter’s Gull.
  3. Cast Shadow CloneShadow Clone to activate No WitnessesNo Witnesses and mimick Shadow StepShadow Step.
  4. Drink a Potion to activate Unstable ElixirsUnstable Elixirs.
  5. Cast HeartseekerHeartseeker to activate the Marksman requirement of Close Quarters CombatClose Quarters Combat and Tricks of the TradeTricks of the Trade.
  6. Rapidly spam Shadow StepShadow Step to deal damage. The button for Shadow Step can be held down for continuous attacks, even chaining to your next enemy.
  7. Cast DashDash to traverse when there are no enemies to target with Shadow StepShadow Step.


  • February 3, 2025: Fist of Fate included as an optional Unique Item.
  • January 30, 2025:
    • Build reworked to optimize Shadow CloneShadow Clone damage output.
    • New video guide added.
  • January 29, 2025: Witchcraft Powers and Occult Gems adjusted due to Purging Touch not working as expected.
  • January 21, 2025: Guide updated for Season 7 (Patch 2.1.0).
  • October 16, 2024: New Paragon tool added.
  • October 4, 2024: Guide updated for Season 6 (Patch 2.0.2).
  • September 2, 2024: Guide created for Season 5 (Patch 1.5.0).
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