d4DamageDruidEndgameGuideseason 5Werewolf

Shred Druid Endgame Build Guide for Diablo 4 (Season 5)

Dash and Shred through foes with this fast and mobile Werewolf build!




Updated: Posted:

TrampleDebilitating RoarHurricanePoison CreeperCataclysmShred

Build Introduction

The ShredShred Druid dashes and rips into the foes of Sanctuary, every strike echoing the ferocity of a werewolf under the moonlit sky. This build excels at speed, mobility, and Area of Effect attacks. Gather and destroy enemies with powerful ShredShred and cleave bursts of lightning with your Stormclaw's AspectStormclaw’s Aspect.

This guide covers everything necessary to get started on your ShredShred adventure including Skill Tree points, Paragon, Gearing, and Seasonal updates. The guide will primarily cover Endgame pushing, but will also cover alternative options, in-depth gameplay information as well as Gauntlet considerations.

Strengths and Weaknesses

  • Fast and mobile gameplay
  • Strong AoE capability
  • Unique-heavy build
  • High APM gameplay

To see how this build compares to the other builds on our site, you can check out our build tier lists.

Build Requirements

The following Legendary Aspects are required for build functionality to get started on the Shred Druid:

Required Aspects

(Important) This build is presented in its Endgame form, and plays around the new to Season 5 Unique Item DoombringerDoombringer, which needs high uptime on CataclysmCataclysm to function. Check the Cataclysm and Spirit Management Section for tips on keeping uptime and managing Spirit.

Skill Tree Points and Skill Bar

Skill Bar for Shred Druid
Debilitating Roar Debilitating Roar Trample Trample Poison Creeper Poison Creeper Hurricane Hurricane Cataclysm Cataclysm Shred Shred

Spirit Boons – The Druid Class Specialization

Druids unlock powerful Spirit Boon passives, giving offerings to the animal spirits to receive their Blessing. Once fully unlocked, activate the final Boon by Spirit Bonding with one of the four animal spirits to take two passives from that row.

Boon NameAnimalEffect
WarinessDeerTake 15% reduced damage from Elites.
Avian WrathEagleGain 30% Critical Strike Damage.
Scythe TalonsEagleGain 10% Critical Strike Chance
CalamityWolfExtend the duration of Ultimate Skills by 25%.
Calm Before the StormSnakeLucky Hit: Nature Magic Skills have up to a 10% chance to reduce the Cooldown of your Ultimate Skill by 2 seconds.

Paragon Board

The following are the preferred Glyphs, Boards, and pathing recommended for making the most of the Shred Druid. All Glyphs are placed as if they are max radius (Level 15+).

Click this Link to see the Paragon Board in its Entirety! Paragon Board images are courtesy of d4builds.gg.

Starting Board

For the Starting Board path up, placing the TerritorialTerritorial Glyph into the Glyph Socket.

Inner Beast

For the second board, choose Inner Beast, placed against the Starting Board, rotated once. Socket the WerewolfWerewolf glyph. Take the Legendary Node Inner BeastInner Beast.

Lust for Carnage

For the third board, choose Lust for Carnage, placed against the Inner Beast board’s left side. Socket the ExploitExploit Glyph. The Legendary Node is not taken.


For the fourth board, choose Thunderstruck, placed against the Inner Beast board’s top side, rotated twice. Socket the SpiritSpirit Glyph. The Legendary Node is not taken.

Heightened Malice

For the fifth board, choose Heightened Malice, placed against the left side of the Thunderstruck board and the top of the Lust for Carnage board. From the Thunderstruck board, take the Legendary Node Heightened MaliceHeightened Malice. From the Lust for Carnage board, socket the UndauntedUndaunted Glyph.

Ancestral Guidance

For the sixth board, choose Ancestral Guidance, placed against the right path of the Inner Beast board, rotated three times. Socket the Fang and ClawFang and Claw Glyph. The Legendary Node is not taken.

Survival Instincts

For the final Board, choose Survival Instincts, placed against the bottom side of the Ancestral Guidance board, rotated once. Take the BulwarkBulwark Magic nodes and the Damage Reduction while Fortified Rare nodes.

For further info on Paragon choices, check the Paragon Information in the Additional Information Section.

Gear, Stats, Gems and Elixirs

The following are the recommended Legendary Aspects, Gear Affixes, Gems and Elixirs for the Shred Druid.

Legendary Aspects

Gear Slots with multiple options are listed in recommended priority. Any slot with an Optional Unique Item will include a valid alternative legendary power.

SlotGemAspectUnique/Legendary Aspect Power
2 Handed AxeRoyal EmeraldRoyal EmeraldStormclaw's AspectStormclaw’s AspectCritical Strikes with Shred deal 20-30% of the damage dealt as Lightning damage to the target and surrounding enemies.
Helm Royal RubyRoyal Ruby(Recommended)Crown of LucionCrown of Lucion OR (Speed/Farm)
Godslayer CrownGodslayer Crown OR
Skinwalker's AspectSkinwalker’s Aspect
Each time you use a Skill with a Resource Cost, gain 5-15% increased damage and Resource Cost is increased by 30% for 4 seconds, stacking up to 5 times.
ChestRoyal RubyRoyal Ruby(Recommended) Mad Wolf's GleeMad Wolf’s Glee OR Juggernaut's AspectJuggernaut’s AspectWerewolf form is now your true form, and you gain +2-5 Ranks to all Werewolf Skills.
Gloves(Recommended) Fists of FateFists of Fate OR
Aspect of the Changeling's DebtAspect of the Changeling’s Debt
Your Core Skills deal up to 25-40% increased damage based on your amount of Fortify.
Pants Royal RubyRoyal RubyVigorous AspectVigorous Aspect Gain 10.0-15.0% Damage Reduction while Shapeshifted into a Werewolf.
Boots(Recommended) Wildheart HungerWildheart Hunger OR
(Cataclysm Uptime) FlickerstepFlickerstep OR
Aspect of Concussive StrikesAspect of Concussive Strikes
When you Shapeshift into a Werewolf or a Werebear, you gain Wildheart for 5 seconds. Wildheart grants you [1.0 – 1.5]%[x] increased damage every 2 seconds, stacking 20 times.
AmuletRoyal DiamondRoyal Diamond(Optional) Locran's TalismanLocran’s Talisman OR Aspect of RetaliationAspect of RetaliationYour skills gain 0.10-0.40% Critical Strike Chance bonus per point of Primary Resource you have, up to 10-40%. Each point of Primary Resource above 100 grants 0.2% Critical Strike Damage instead.
Ring 1Royal DiamondRoyal Diamond(Recommended) Mjölnic RyngMjölnic Ryng  OR
Aspect of the UnsatiatedAspect of the Unsatiated
Gain a bonus when you kill with a Shapeshifting Skill:
Werewolf: Your next Non-Ultimate Werebear Skill costs no Resource and has no Cooldown.
Werebear: Your next Werewolf Skill will Heal you for [689 – 1,379] when damage is first dealt.
Ring 2Royal DiamondRoyal Diamond(Recommended)Ring of Starless SkiesRing of Starless Skies OR
(Optional Defensive) Hunter's ZenithHunter’s Zenith OR Aspect of the UnsatiatedAspect of the Unsatiated
Spending your Primary Resource reduces the Resource cost of your Skills and increases your damage by 10% for 3 seconds, up to 50%.

Stat Priority and Tempering Affixes

Tempering Manuals and their recommended affixes are provided in the final column, and the bolded affixes are the most important targets for Masterworking upgrades. To masterwork, you will need rare materials that only drop from The Pit. Be sure to check our Tempering guide, our Masterworking guide, as well as our guide about The Pit for more details about these topics.

Unique Items cannot be Tempered, but can be Mastercrafted. Any slot with an Optional Unique Item will include a valid alternative legendary power setup.

SlotGearing AffixesTempering Affixes
Two-Handed AxeWillpower
Max Life
Critical Strike Damage
Resource Cost Reduction
Spirit on Kill
Werewolf AugmentsWerewolf Augments Werewolf Augments – Shred Critical Strike Chance
Shapeshifting FinesseShapeshifting Finesse – Werewolf Attack Speed OR Werewolf Critical Strike Chance
Helm – (Recommended) Crown of LucionCrown of LucionMaximum Life
Lucky Hit
Shadow Resistance
Cooldown Reduction
Helm – (Speed/Farm) Godslayer CrownGodslayer CrownAll Stats
Maximum Life
Damage to Elites
Cooldown Reduction
Chest – (Recommended) Mad Wolf's GleeMad Wolf’s Glee Max Life
Werewolf Attack Speed
Lupine Ferocity’s Damage Bonus
Ranks to Digitigrade GaitDigitigrade Gait
Chest – Legendary AspectWillpower
Max Life
Spirit Per Second
Worldly EnduranceWorldly Endurance – Max Life
Worldly FortuneWorldly Fortune – Lucky Hit: Chance to Immobilize for 2 Seconds
Gloves – (Recommended) Fists of FateFists of Fate Attack Speed
Critical Strike Chance
Lucky Hit Chance
Lucky Hit: Chance to Apply a Random Crowd Control Effect
Your attacks randomly deal 1-300% of their normal damage
Gloves – Legendary AspectCritical Strike Chance
Ranks to ShredShred
Attack Speed
Shapeshifting FinesseShapeshifting Finesse – Werewolf Attack Speed OR Werewolf Critical Strike Chance
Worldly Fortune – Lucky Hit: Chance to Immobilize for 2 Seconds
Max Life
Dodge Chance
Worldly EnduranceWorldly Endurance – Total Armor
Worldly FortuneWorldly Fortune – Lucky Hit: Chance to Immobilize for 2 Seconds
Boots – (Recommended) Wildheart HungerWildheart Hunger Movement Speed
Shapeshifting Attack Speed
Cold Resistance
Ranks to Heightened SensesHeightened Senses
Boots – (Cataclysm Uptime)FlickerstepFlickerstepMovement Speed
Ultimate Damage
Lightning Resistance
Damage Reduction from Close Enemies
Boots – Legendary AspectImplicit: Attacks Reduce Evade’s Cooldown By 1.5 Seconds
Movement Speed
Max Life
Spirit Per Second
Druid Motion – Ranks to Digitigrade GaitDigitigrade Gait OR Movement Speed
Worldly FortuneWorldly Fortune – Lucky Hit: Chance to Immobilize for 2 Seconds
Amulet – (Optional) Locran's TalismanLocran’s TalismanAll Stats
Maximum Resource
Critical Strike Damage
Resistance to All Elements
Amulet – Legendary AspectRanks to EnvenomEnvenom
Ranks to QuickshiftQuickshift
Critical Strike Chance

Movement Speed
Resource Cost Reduction
Druid Motion – Ranks to Digitigrade GaitDigitigrade Gait OR Movement Speed
Shapeshifting FinesseShapeshifting Finesse Werewolf Attack Speed OR Werewolf Critical Strike Chance- Damage to Close Enemies
Ring – (Recommended) Mjölnic RyngMjölnic RyngWillpower
Critical Strike Chance
Movement Speed while Cataclysm is Active
Ranks to Endless TempestEndless Tempest
Ring – (Recommended)Ring of Starless SkiesRing of Starless Skies Attack Speed
Critical Strike Chance
Lucky Hit Chance
Ranks to Core Skills
Ring – (Optional Defensive) Hunter's ZenithHunter’s Zenith Damage While Shapeshifted
Critical Strike Chance
Ranks in Heightened SensesHeightened Senses
Ranks in QuickshiftQuickshift
Rings – Legendary AspectCritical Strike Chance
Attack Speed
Maximum Life
Resource Cost Reduction
Shapeshifting FinesseShapeshifting Finesse – Werewolf Attack Speed OR Werewolf Critical Strike Chance
Ultimate Efficiency —  DruidUltimate Efficiency CataclysmCataclysm Cooldown Reduction

Some Gear Affixes like Cost Reduction, Spirit on Kill or Spirit Per Second can be useful in early gearing or leveling, especially if not using the Mjölnic RyngMjölnic Ryng with full CataclysmCataclysm uptime.

Armor cap is 9230 against any enemies level 100 and above, for up to 85% Damage Reduction. This is generally reached at 925 Item Power with either one Armor Gear Affix with one Total Armor% Temper, or with a maxed Juggernaut's AspectJuggernaut’s Aspect.


Weapon GemsArmor GemsJewelry Gems
Royal EmeraldRoyal Emerald for Critical Strike DamageRoyal RubyRoyal Ruby For Max Life%Royal DiamondRoyal Diamond for All Resistance

Elixirs, Incense and Health Potions

The Alchemist offers helpful consumables at the cost of foraged materials found throughout Sanctuary.

  • Craft the highest available Elixir of AdvantageElixir of Advantage for Attack Speed and Lucky Hit bonuses.
  • If mats are available, craft Chorus of WarChorus of War.
  • Remember to upgrade your potion as you level, increasing the instant healing of the potion!

Unique Items

The Shred Druid has several Unique Item options to consider:

  • (Recommended) Crown of LucionCrown of Lucion Provides a large, persistent damage multiplier. Used alongside the Mjölnic RyngMjölnic Ryng, we gain stacks of the helm’s buff, but the increased cost to ShredShred will not matter while CataclysmCataclysm is active. Only use this if CataclysmCataclysm uptime is covered. In trivial or farm content this multiplier may be gratuitous and Godslayer CrownGodslayer Crown would be more convenient.
  • (Speed/Farm) Godslayer CrownGodslayer Crown is an effective grouping tool, as well as a strong damage multiplier. Triggers of stun and immobilize from sources like Poison CreeperPoison Creeper or Crowd Control Tempers will activate the bonus.
  • (Recommended) Mad Wolf's GleeMad Wolf’s Glee is an excellent offensive Unique Item that gives movement speed, Skill Points to Werewolf abilities, and Bonuses to Lupine FerocityLupine Ferocity.
  • (Recommended) Fists of FateFists of Fate – Love to gamble? fantastic. These gloves give a rediculous amount of Lucky Hit Chance, which is strong for Calm Before the Storm triggers. The average damage gain will be comparable to a Legendary Gloves.
  • (Recommended) Wildheart HungerWildheart Hunger Gives a 5 second buff that boosts a stacking damage buff every 2 second, up to 20 stacks of the damage buff. This means a shapeshift to Werebear or Werewolf needs to happen at least every 5 seconds in order to maintain the damage stacks. This can be a disruptive Unique Item to gameplay, but the multiplier is hard to ignore. In Trivial or Farm content where that multiplier is unnecessary, this item can be swapped out.
  • (Optional for Cataclysm Uptime)FlickerstepFlickerstep – Depending on CataclysmCataclysm uptime in the content you are running, you may need supplemental Cooldown Reduction. This can vary as for example speeding through content will give fewer total hits for Calm of the Storm Boon to reduce CataclysmCataclysm cooldown.
  • (Optional) Locran's TalismanLocran’s Talisman provides Critical Strike based per point of Spirit, up to a maximum of 40% Critical Strike. Spirit should always be at or near cap while using the Mjölnic RyngMjölnic Ryng, and more Critical Strikes means more Stormclaw's AspectStormclaw’s Aspect triggers. A legendary amulet with full ranks to EnvenomEnvenom and QuickshiftQuickshift will be stronger. Those can be hard to find though!
  • (Recommended) The Mjölnic RyngMjölnic Ryng grants a high damage multiplier during CataclysmCataclysm and makes ShredShred cost zero Spirit. See the Cataclysm and Spirit Management section for more information about CataclysmCataclysm uptime.
  • (Optional Defensive) Hunter's ZenithHunter’s Zenith will provide significant cooldown resets on Werebear SkillsDebilitating RoarDebilitating Roar and TrampleTrample, allowing the Skills to have strong uptime and availability. As well, this will help maintain Wildheart HungerWildheart Hunger stacks and trigger shapeshifting bonuses such as QuickshiftQuickshift and Heightened SensesHeightened Senses.
  • (Optional, Thematic) Waxing GibbousWaxing Gibbous received improvements in Season 5, but is still not standout as a Unique Item. However, if you like the gameplay and want to use it, make the following adjustments:
    • Take Preserving Blood HowlPreserving Blood Howl over Poison CreeperPoison Creeper for Stealth reapplication.
    • Critical Strikes are covered! Replace Spirit Boon Scythe Talons with Swooping Attacks, replace any Werewolf Critical Strike tempers with Werewolf Attack Speed, and any gear affixes with available alternatives.
    • Move Stormclaw's AspectStormclaw’s Aspect to Amulet. Do not use with Locran's TalismanLocran’s Talisman, as the critical strike chance will do little when Waxing GibbousWaxing Gibbous already guarantees Critical Strikes.
    • Use a Totem with Accelerating AspectAccelerating Aspect and Lucky Hit Chance, Max Life, and (Mastercrafted) Willpower. Temper Werewolf Attack Speed and Elemental Surge for [Any] Damage.
    • If you’re having trouble keeping Stealth or Critical Strike Buff after Stealth buff covered, consider using Bold Chieftain's AspectBold Chieftain’s Aspect on a ring for more Cooldown Reduction on Blood HowlBlood Howl.

Mythic Unique Items

  • (Recommended) Ring of Starless SkiesRing of Starless Skies is a powerful Resource Cost Reduction tool and damage multiplier and can be useful for making gameplay a bit smoother. Replaces Aspect of the UnsatiatedAspect of the Unsatiated. The effect will stack even while using Mjölnic RyngMjölnic Ryng.
  • (Defensive) Harlequin CrestHarlequin Crest can be a strong Defensive option, with good Gear Affixes and a +4 to all Skills. This can allow the build to push higher while staying safer.

Rotation and Playstyle

  1. ShredShred to approach enemies.
  2. Once engaged, maintain CataclysmCataclysm for Mjölnic RyngMjölnic Ryng and HurricaneHurricane for Damage Reduction and damage events for Calm before the Storm.
  3. Maintain Shapeshifting buffs like QuickshiftQuickshift, Heightened SensesHeightened Senses, and Unique Item Wildheart HungerWildheart Hunger with casts of TrampleTrample or Debilitating RoarDebilitating Roar to change to Werebear form, or change out of form with HurricaneHurricane and Poison CreeperPoison Creeper to go back to Werewolf form.
  4. Cast ShredShred on enemies.
  5. Killed all your enemies? Excellent work, Champion of Sanctuary. Run, Evade, or Dash with ShredShred to the next threat.

Check out the advanced Build Mechanics section for a more in-depth description on how the build works, what synergies exist, and what to look out for.

Cataclysm and Spirit Management

ShredShred does not use a Basic Attack Spirit builder. As well, with the new Unique Item Mjölnic RyngMjölnic Ryng, many Druid builds will play around CataclysmCataclysm for the significant Damage Multiplier and full Spirit Cost Reduction while CataclysmCataclysm is active. We make several choices on Spirit Generation and Spirit Boons that enable or make this choice shine. This also means Downtime can be punishing, especially with items like Crown of LucionCrown of Lucion that can make ShredShred expensive! So we want to keep CataclysmCataclysm up to avoid Spirit problems.

In order to maintain CataclysmCataclysm, we use:

  • Calm Before the Storm for Ultimate Cooldown Reduction and Calamity Spirit Boon for Longer Ultimate duration.
  • Ranks in Endless TempestEndless Tempest extend the duration of Cataclysm.
  • Improved Lucky Hit, especially from Fists of FateFists of Fate, or Choices like HurricaneHurricane provide extra damage events or total chance to trigger Calm Before the Storm.
  • Ultimate Efficiency —  DruidUltimate Efficiency —  Cataclysm Cooldown Reduction on the 2nd ring slot if using a Legendary Aspect
  • Inner BeastInner Beast Legendary Node will give frequent reduction to CataclysmCataclysm.

If this is not sufficient for uptime, we can optionally use:

  • FlickerstepFlickerstep for Ultimate Cooldown Reduction when evading through enemies. This competes with other good options so is not a default choice.
  • Target Cooldown Reductions or Lucky Hit Chance with Greater Affix or Mastercrafting.

In Early Gearing and Leveling, or before using the Mjölnic RyngMjölnic Ryng, consider doing the following for Spirit Generation and Management:

  • Do not use Crown of LucionCrown of Lucion.
  • Take the Wolf’s Energize Spirit Boon, replacing Scythe Talons.
  • Take the Lust for CarnageLust for Carnage Paragon Node for Spirit on Werewolf Critical Strike, removing the 6 points around NimbleNimble from the Inner Beast Board and instead taking the Lust for Carnage Paragon Node. In general while leveling and gearing, prioritizing the Lust for CarnageLust for Carnage board to always be placed is high quality of life.
  • Use Aspect of the UnsatiatedAspect of the Unsatiated for Spirit on Kills with Shred, or Starlight AspectStarlight Aspect for Spirit on Healing. Enhanced ShredEnhanced Shred provides sufficient healing for this.
  • Adjust Gear affixes: Resource Cost Reduction on Weapon, and Resource Generation on Rings. Spirit on Kill on weapon, or Spirit Per Second on Helm, Chest, or Boots.
  • Worst case in early leveling and gearing, use MaulMaul as a Basic Attack Builder. Replace Debilitating RoarDebilitating Roar. Maul can be useful for upkeeping Werebear Shapeshifting buffs anyways.

Season 5: Season of the Infernal Horde

The following list details the important changes in the Season 5 Patch Updates that are specific to the Boulder Druid and its Variants. For general Season 5 information, check out our Season 5 Hub.


  • Several Changes to all Unique Item Gear Affixes.
  • New Item – Crown of LucionCrown of Lucion – Each time you use a Skill with a Resource Cost, gain 5-15% increased damage and Resource Cost is increased by 30% for 4 seconds, stacking up to 5 times.
  • New Item – Locran's TalismanLocran’s Talisman – Your skills gain 0.10-0.40% Critical Strike Chance bonus per point of Primary Resource you have, up to 10-40%. Each point of Primary Resource above 100 grants 0.2%[x] Critical Strike Damage instead.
  • New Item – Mjölnic RyngMjölnic Ryng – While CataclysmCataclysm is active, you gain unlimited Spirit and deal 40-100% increased damage.
  • New Temper – Ultimate Efficiency —  DruidUltimate Efficiency – for Ultimate Skill cooldown reduction.
  • Shepherd's AspectShepherd’s Aspect – New Effect – Companion Skills deal an additional 5-10% damage per Companion you have.
  • Skinwalker's AspectSkinwalker’s Aspect – When you use a Shapeshifting Skill that changes your form, gain 5-20% Life. If you are at full Life, gain the same amount as Fortify.
  • Stormclaw's AspectStormclaw’s Aspect – Shred’s Critical Strikes damage increased from 15-30% damage to 25-40% of the damage dealt.
  • Aspect of RetaliationAspect of Retaliation – Core Skill bonus damage based on Fortify increased from 15-25% to 25-40%.

Skills and Stats:

  • Gain 1% increased Skill Damage for every 8 primary Core Stat, reduced from 10 primary Core Stat.
  • ShredShred Damage Increased.
    • 1st Attack Damage buffed from 28% to 52%.
    • 2nd Attack Damage buffed from 39% to 72%.
    • 3rd Attack Damage buffed from 77% to 143%.
  • HurricaneHurricane Damage buffed from 187% to 346%.
  • Poison CreeperPoison Creeper can now be cast while moving.
  • Debilitating RoarDebilitating Roar Damage Reduction decreased from 70% to 40%.
  • Lupine FerocityLupine Ferocity Reduced amount of hits from 6 to 3 to benefit from the effect.
  • Heightened SensesHeightened Senses increased for each Skill Rank from 2% to 3%.
  • VigilanceVigilance increased for each Skill Rank from 5% to 7%.
  • WerewolfWerewolf Damage Reduction increased from 10% to 15%.
  • CataclysmCataclysm Lightning Strike rate is doubled. Now more consistently hits enemies with its lightning strikes.

Advanced Information

It is time to start your Shred journey!

Or see below for further information on how the build works, as well as further explanations for Paragon, Gearing, Gameplay, and available playstyle options.

Build Mechanics

The ShredShred Druid groups and dashes into enemies for strong Area of Effect damage from both ShredShred and Stormclaw's AspectStormclaw’s Aspect. With high mobility, the Druid will attack, kill, and quickly get to the next enemies.

Shapeshifting is incentivized heavily in this build. Between QuickshiftQuickshift, Heightened SensesHeightened Senses, Inner BeastInner Beast and Wildheart HungerWildheart Hunger, this means sometimes disrupting the ShredShred spam with periodic casts of both TrampleTrample and Debilitating RoarDebilitating Roar. These are easily reset if using Hunter's ZenithHunter’s Zenith, but can be chained otherwise. Swapping out of form to cast Poison CreeperPoison Creeper or HurricaneHurricane then back to non-human form will also work.

Brutal Poison CreeperBrutal Poison Creeper can be a way to apply Poison, Critical Strike Chance taken debuff, and Immobilize Crowd Control in a large area. It can be cast while moving.

Lupine FerocityLupine Ferocity now triggers every 3rd attack event. This boosts our ShredShred damage significantly and triggers the Stormclaw's AspectStormclaw’s Aspect This multiplier is boosted further with Mad Wolf's GleeMad Wolf’s Glee. It is slightly non-synergistic with options like Locran's TalismanLocran’s Talisman and Waxing GibbousWaxing Gibbous, since the more Critical Strike you do naturally, the less impressive automatic Critical Strike are. Other Options for Key Passives include:

  • Bestial RampageBestial Rampage can pull ahead in damage but requires maintenance to keep the buffs active. TrampleTrample and Debilitating RoarDebilitating Roar can be used for the damage buff but the form must be held for 2 seconds every 15 seconds. This is disruptive to an an otherwise smooth speed and farm build. Another easier method would be to replace Debilitating RoarDebilitating Roar with MaulMaul, then precast Maul in place to shift to Werebear before engaging enemies.
  • Ursine StrengthUrsine Strength provides a smaller, more consistent damage buff and bonus to Max Life. The damage multiplier is active in any form, so long as you are Healthy. Healthy means current Life is above 80%. The health bonus can be periodically refreshed with casts of TrampleTrample and Debilitating RoarDebilitating Roar. If you’re using this build in high end push content, this may be a valid choice.

CataclysmCataclysm casts Lightning StormLightning Storm and TornadoTornado frequently, and with Mjölnic RyngMjölnic Ryng can provide a hefty 100% multiplier to all damage and make ShredShred cost zero Spirit. Cooldown Reduction Gear Affix, Inner BeastInner Beast, Endless TempestEndless Tempest ranks and Calm Before the Storm and Calamity Spirit Boons help keep this Skill active. See the Cataclysm and Spirit Management section for more info on maintaining CataclysmCataclysm.


The Paragon Board is a progression system unlocked at Level 50, giving player power through Common stat Nodes, Magic affix Nodes, Rare leveled Glyphs, and Legendary board-exclusive Nodes. For general paragon board information, check the guide here.

The recommended Paragon boards with images for the Shred Druid are listed above. The following section goes over some explanations and descriptions for the pathing process for the Shred Druid.

Broadly speaking, decisions for pathing through the Druid paragon board are divided into three categories:

  • Damage – The paragon boards provide a significant amount of Damage Multipliers and Additives. This includes:
    • Socketed Glyphs such asFang and ClawFang and Claw and SpiritSpirit.
    • Legendary Nodes such as Heightened MaliceHeightened Malice.
    • Magic and Rare nodes such as Havoc for Critical Strike Damage and Physical Damage or Nimble for Attack Speed and Damage.
    • Debuff application such as ExploitExploit giving an easy access to Vulnerable.
  • Defense – The paragon boards help reach goals on Damage Reduction, Armor, and Resistances. This includes:
    • Damage Reduction is improved from WerewolfWerewolf, UndauntedUndaunted, and TerritorialTerritorial secondary effects, as well as individual nodes providing bonuses like Damage Reduction against Vulnerable enemies.
    • Resistances are improved from Magic and Rare Resistance nodes, with Fang and ClawFang and Claw bonuses improving their nearby Resistance nodes.
    • Armor goals are reached with the help of Armor nodes in Inner BeastInner Beast.
  • Build Functionality – The paragon boards improve functionality for the build, including:

Controller vs Keyboard and Mouse

The Shred Druid can play smoother on a controller. When held, ShredShred can auto-move to the nearest enemies, or continue direction if no enemies are in range. The Dashes from casts of ShredShred auto-aim to the nearest enemy. Keyboard and Mouse can offer better control, allowing you to choose targets to Dash to. Both options are valid. Keyboard and Mouse can also access the auto-aim behavior by going into ESC -> Options -> Gameplay, and changing Skill Toggle Behavior to Toggle All.

Gauntlet Optimization

The Gauntlet is a Trial event dungeon that changes weekly. The format is a point score system over 8 minutes, and players will compete in weekly Leaderboards for fame and prize.

ShredShred excels at high-density AoE and overall speed, but can lack Boss damage or not stand out in lower enemy density that may show up in Gauntlet maps.

The enemies are Level 124, which is the equivalent to Tier 70 nightmare dungeons. Compared to a Tier 100 Nightmare dungeon, the enemies will hurt less, but speed counts even more!

Gearing and Legendary Affixes for Gauntlet

Make the following Itemization changes for the Gauntlet:

Gauntlet Skills

Use Blood HowlBlood Howl over Poison CreeperPoison Creeper to enable Waxing GibbousWaxing Gibbous.

For Key Passive, use Bestial RampageBestial Rampage for the high damage multiplier over Lupine FerocityLupine Ferocity for more attack speed and comparable damage. Use TrampleTrample to get the Werebear multiplier.

Gauntlet Paragon Board

Use the same Paragon Board for the Gauntlet.


  • 7 August, 2024: Updated for post-launch of season 5. Small updates to Tempering recommendations. Improved readability and clarified case use and explanation for Waxing GibbousWaxing Gibbous.
  • 3 August, 2024: Significant changes to Skills and Paragon to adjust for season 5, the change to Shepherd’s Aspect and the introduction of the Mjölnic RyngMjölnic Ryng.
  • 17 June, 2024: Updated for mid-season patch 1.4.3.
  • May 15, 2024: Small changes in gear affixes to adjust for season launch changes from PTR.
  • 3 May 2024: Guide reworked for the significant 1.4.0 changes to gearing and for season 4 speculative changes. Format changed to frontload basic build information and offer extra information and options afterwards.
  • 8 March 2024: Guide created, fully replacing the previous guide.
    • Ownership transferred.
    • Adjusted Gear, Skills, and Paragon sections to hit defensive stats targets and improve overall damage output.
    • Improved readability, explanations, and options.
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