d4DruidEndgameGuideseason 5Storm

Hurricane Druid Endgame Build Guide for Diablo 4 (Season 5)

Hurricane Werebear is storming through Sanctuary!




Updated: Posted:

RavensPoison CreeperWolvesCataclysmMaulHurricane

Build Introduction

HurricaneHurricane is a wide persistent spell surrounding the player for its duration, periodically pulsing damage to enemies in a large area. Set up a giant storm of damage by playing around modifiers such as:

Season 5: Hurricane Radius is now a Utility Temper, allowing it to be taken alongside Hurricane Duration on the weapon!

This guide covers everything necessary to get started on your HurricaneHurricane adventure, including Skill Tree points, Paragon, Gearing, and Seasonal updates.

  • Large Area of Effect clearing
  • Thematic Gameplay
  • Requires timing setups with buff management
  • High gearing investment to play smoothly

To see how this build compares to the other builds on our site, you can check out our build tier lists.

Build Requirements

The following Unique Items and Legendary Aspects are required for build functionality to get started on the Hurricane Druid:

Required Uniques
Required Aspects

You will also need access to the Storm AugmentsStorm Augments Weapon Manual for HurricaneHurricane Duration, and Nature Magic InnovationNature Magic Innovation Utility Manual for HurricaneHurricane Size.

Skill Tree Points and Skill Bar

Skill Bar for Hurricane Druid
Ravens Ravens Wolves Wolves Poison Creeper Poison Creeper Cataclysm Cataclysm Maul Maul Hurricane Hurricane

(Important) The amount of ProvocationProvocation points you take depends on your HurricaneHurricane duration. At higher Tempering and Mastercrafting, Hurricane can reach a long duration with higher potential stacks of Aspect of the TempestAspect of the Tempest. For example, if your Hurricane is 20~23 seconds long, you would only want 1 point in ProvocationProvocation for the Overpower every 20 seconds, rather than every 12 seconds from having 3 points in ProvocationProvocation. Too many points can mean fewer stacks of Aspect of the TempestAspect of the Tempest. These extra points can be shuffled to ranks in Natural FortitudeNatural Fortitude or Natural DisasterNatural Disaster.

Until you are using the Unique Item Mjölnic RyngMjölnic Ryng, CataclysmCataclysm can be swapped for Debilitating RoarDebilitating Roar for defense, or TrampleTrample for Unstoppable and mobility.

Spirit Boons – The Druid Class Specialization

Druids unlock powerful Spirit Boon passives, giving offerings to the animal spirits to receive their Blessing. Once fully unlocked, activate the final Boon by Spirit Bonding with one of the four animal spirits to take two passives from that row.

Boon NameAnimalEffect
WarinessDeerTake 15% reduced damage from Elites.
Iron FeatherEagleGain 20% Maximum Life.
Avian WrathEagleGain 30%[x] Critical Strike Damage.
Pack LeaderWolfLucky Hit: Critical Strikes have up to a 25% chance to reset the Cooldowns of your Companion Skills.
Calm before the StormSnakeLucky Hit: Nature Magic Skills have up to a 10% chance to reduce the Cooldown of your Ultimate Skill by 2 seconds.

Once you have sufficient Hurricane Duration from Storm AugmentsStorm Augments and Companion Cooldown Reduction from Companion EfficiencyCompanion Efficiency to maintain HurricaneHurricane and ClarityClarity, swap from Pack Leader to Calamity for more CataclysmCataclysm uptime.


The following are the preferred Glyphs, Boards, and pathing recommended for making the most of the Hurricane Druid. All Glyphs are placed as if they are max radius (Level 15+).

Click this link to see the Paragon Board in its entirety! Paragon Board images are courtesy of d4builds.gg.

Starting Board

For the Starting Board, path up and place the OutmatchOutmatch Glyph into the Glyph Socket.

Heightened Malice

For the second board, choose Heightened Malice, placed against the Starting Board. Socket the WerebearWerebear Glyph, and take the Legendary Node Heightened MaliceHeightened Malice.


For the third board, choose Thunderstruck, placed against the left side of the Heighted Malice board. Socket the TerritorialTerritorial glyph and take the Legendary Node ThunderstruckThunderstruck.

Constricting Tendrils

For the fourth board, choose Constricting Tendrils, placed against the top side of the Heightened Malice board, rotated three times. Socket the Fang and ClawFang and Claw Glyph.

Ancestral Guidance

For the fifth board, choose Ancestral Guidance, placed against the Thunderstruck board’s top side, rotated three times. Socket the ShapeshifterShapeshifter Glyph.

Earthen Devastation

For the sixth board, choose Earthen Devastation, placed against the Constricting Tendril’s right side, rotated once. Socket the DominateDominate Glyph.

Survival Instincts

For the final board, choose Survival Instincts, placed against the Earthen Devastation board, rotated once. Take the Legendary Node Survival InstinctsSurvival Instincts and socket the ExploitExploit Glyph.

For further info on Paragon choices, check the Paragon Information in the Additional Information Section.

Gear, Stats, Gems and Elixirs

The following are the recommended Legendary Aspects, Gear Affixes, Gems, and Elixirs for the Hurricane Druid.

Legendary Aspects

Gear Slots with multiple options are listed in recommended priority. Any slot with an Optional Unique Item will include a valid alternative legendary power.

SlotGemAspectUnique/Legendary Aspect Power
2 Handed AxeRoyal RubyRoyal RubyAspect of the TempestAspect of the TempestHurricane damage is increased by 10.5 – 18.0% each second while active.
HelmRoyal RubyRoyal Ruby(Required) Tempest RoarTempest RoarLucky Hit: Storm Skills have up to a 15 – 25% chance to grant 4 Spirit.
Your base Storm Skills are now also Werewolf Skills
ChestRoyal RubyRoyal Ruby(recommended) Insatiable FuryInsatiable Fury OR Aspect of the Crowded SageAspect of the Crowded SageWerebear form is now your true form, and you gain +2-5 Ranks to all Werebear Skills.
GlovesN/AAspect of the Changeling's DebtAspect of the Changeling’s DebtYou deal 25-55% increased damage while hitting a Poisoned enemy as a Werebear or a Crowd Controlled enemy as a Werewolf.
PantsRoyal RubyRoyal RubyAspect of MightAspect of Might OR Aspect of Fevered MaulingAspect of Fevered MaulingBasic Skills grant 20.0% Damage Reduction for 2.0-7.0 seconds.
BootsN/A(Offensive) Aspect of Concussive StrikesAspect of Concussive Strikes
(Unstoppable) Aspect of MetamorphosisAspect of Metamorphosis OR
(Optional for Cataclysm Uptime) FlickerstepFlickerstep
Lucky Hit: Damaging an enemy has up to a 20% chance to Daze them for 2 seconds. You deal 5-20% increased damage to Dazed enemies.
AmuletRoyal DiamondRoyal Diamond(optional) Locran's TalismanLocran’s Talisman OR Edgemaster's AspectEdgemaster’s AspectGain 0.10 – 0.40% Critical Strike Chance per point of Primary Resource you have, up to 10 – 40%. Each point of Primary Resource above 100 grants 1%[+] Critical Strike Damage instead.
Ring 1Royal DiamondRoyal DiamondAspect of ElementsAspect of Elements OR Edgemaster's AspectEdgemaster’s AspectGain 15-30%x increased damage to a set of damage types for 7 seconds. This effect alternates between 2 sets:
– Fire, Lightning, and Physical.
– Cold, Poison, and Shadow.
Ring 2Royal DiamondRoyal Diamond(Recommended) Mjölnic RyngMjölnic Ryng
Aspect of ElementsAspect of Elements
While Cataclysm is active, you gain unlimited Spirit and deal 40-100% increased damage.

For information on Legendary Aspects and the updated Codex of Power, see here.

Stat Priority and Tempering Affixes

Each line of affixes is listed in order of importance. Tempering Manuals and their recommended affixes are provided in the final column. The bolded affixes are the most important targets for Masterworking upgrades. To masterwork, you will need rare materials that only drop from The Pit. Be sure to check our Tempering guide, our Masterworking guide, as well as our guide about The Pit for more details about these topics.

Unique Items cannot be Tempered, but can be Mastercrafted. Any slot with an Optional Unique Item will include a valid alternative legendary power setup.

SlotGearing AffixesTempering Affixes
Two-Handed AxeMaximum Life
Overpower Damage
Critical Strike Damage
Storm AugmentsStorm AugmentsHurricaneHurricane Duration
Natural FinesseNatural Finesse – Damage to Close Enemies
Helm – Tempest RoarTempest Roar (Required)Willpower
Lightning Resistance
Maximum Spirit
Ranks to Wild ImpulsesWild Impulses
Chest – Insatiable FuryInsatiable Fury (Recommended)Maximum Life
Werebear Overpower Damage
Ursine Strength Bonuses
Ranks to Iron FurIron Fur
Chest – Legendary AspectMax Life
All Resistances
Worldly EnduranceWorldly Endurance – Max Life
Nature Magic InnovationNature Magic Innovation – Hurricane Size
GlovesCritical Strike Chance
Max Life
Overpower Damage
Natural FinesseNatural Finesse– Damage to Close Enemies
Nature Magic InnovationNature Magic Innovation – Hurricane Size
Max Life
Dodge Chance
Worldly EnduranceWorldly Endurance – Total Armor%
Nature Magic InnovationNature Magic Innovation – Hurricane Size
BootsRanks to HurricaneHurricane
Movement Speed
Dodge Chance
Natural MotionNatural Motion – Movement Speed
Nature Magic InnovationNature Magic Innovation – Hurricane Size
Boots – (optional) FlickerstepFlickerstepMovement Speed
Ultimate Damage
Lightning Resistance
Damage Reduction from Close Enemies
Amulet – (optional)Locran's TalismanLocran’s Talisman Attack Speed
All Stats
Critical Strike Damage
Maximum Resource
AmuletRanks to EnvenomEnvenom
Ranks to ClarityClarity
Movement Speed
Critical Strike Chance
Natural FinesseNatural Finesse– Damage to Close Enemies
Natural MotionNatural Motion – Movement Speed
Ring – Mjölnic RyngMjölnic RyngWillpower
Critical Strike Chance
Movement Speed While Cataclysm is Active
Ranks to Endless TempestEndless Tempest
Rings – Legendary AspectMaximum Life
Critical Strike Chance
Critical Strike Damage
Overpower Damage

Natural FinesseNatural Finesse– Damage to Close Enemies
Companion EfficiencyCompanion Efficiency – Companion Cooldown Reduction
  • Hurricane Duration is significant for this build for higher stacks of Aspect of the TempestAspect of the Tempest. Mastercraft quality increases will be highly desirable as well.
  • Extra Hurricane Size is capped at 100%. After reaching that, Utility tempers can go to Worldly FortuneWorldly Fortune Crowd Control Effects chance to Immobilize
  • The Temper for Damage to Close Enemies is taken for ThunderstruckThunderstruck, up to its cap of 60%. After reaching that, Offensive tempers can go to Storm FinesseStorm Finesse – Hurricane Damage.
  • Max Life% will help with increased Overpower damage.
  • Armor cap is 9230 against any enemies level 100 and above, for up to 85% Damage Reduction. This is generally reached at 925 Item Power with either one Armor Gear Affix with one Total Armor% Temper.
  • Attack Speed does not improve HurricaneHurricane tick rate.

For the dedicated page for Gear Systems and Itemization Overview, check here.


Weapon GemsArmor GemsJewelry Gems
Royal RubyRoyal Ruby for Overpower DamageRoyal RubyRoyal Ruby For Max Life%Royal DiamondRoyal Diamond for Resistance to all Elements

Elixirs, Incense and Health Potions

The Alchemist offers helpful consumables at the cost of foraged materials found throughout Sanctuary.

  • Craft the highest available Elixir of FortitudeElixir of Fortitude for Maximum Life. Max Life% is significant for Overpower.
  • If mats are available, craft Chorus of WarChorus of War.
  • Remember to upgrade your potion as you level, increasing the instant healing of the potion!

Unique Items

The following Unique Items are required, recommended, or optional for the Hurricane Druid.

  • (Required) Tempest RoarTempest Roar makes HurricaneHurricane a Werewolf Skill. This will enable HurricaneHurricane to benefit from Shapeshifting passives like Toxic ClawsToxic Claws and QuickshiftQuickshift.
  • (Recommended) Insatiable FuryInsatiable Fury is a quality-of-life improvement for the build, helping to keep you in Werebear form to keep ProvocationProvocation ticking. This is not only a convenient Unique, but gives strong defensive benefit with the ranks to Iron FurIron Fur and boost to Ursine StrengthUrsine Strength.
  • (Optional) Locran's TalismanLocran’s Talisman gives significant Critical Strike Chance. We are always at full Spirit so will benefit with up to 40% Critical Strike. Between that, gear affixes and ClarityClarity, we will have full Critical Strike Chance. The secondary effect for higher Critical Strike Damage is nice, but not worth building around. A legendary amulet with full ranks to EnvenomEnvenom and ClarityClarity or QuickshiftQuickshift will be stronger. Those can be hard to find though!
  • (Recommended) The new to season 5 Mjölnic RyngMjölnic Ryng is an oppressively strong option with up to a 100% multiplier. The ranks in Endless TempestEndless Tempest are also welcome for a Hurricane-centric build.
  • (Optional for Cataclysm Uptime) FlickerstepFlickerstep can help keep the multiplier from the Mjölnic RyngMjölnic Ryng active. The tradeoff is losing a legendary aspect boots with ranks in HurricaneHurricane as well as Aspect options like Aspect of MetamorphosisAspect of Metamorphosis for Unstoppable. It may be worthwhile using, depending on the content to keep CataclysmCataclysm rolling.
  • (Defensive Optional) Hunter's ZenithHunter’s Zenith is a defensive option Unique Item while providing high ranks in QuickshiftQuickshift and Heightened SensesHeightened Senses and resets on Werebear abilities like Debilitating RoarDebilitating Roar. As a defensive choice, this would replace the Mjölnic RyngMjölnic Ryng if used. To use this Unique Item:

Tempest RoarTempest Roar can be target-farmed from Duriel.

Mythic Unique Items

No Mythic Unique Items are recommended for this build.

Rotation and Playstyle

  1. Before max ProvocationProvocation stacks, cast WolvesWolves and RavensRavens for ClarityClarity stacks. Wolves and Ravens can consume your Overpower so they need to be cast before ProvocationProvocation is primed.
  2. Cast Poison CreeperPoison Creeper for the final ClarityClarity stack.
  3. Cast HurricaneHurricane with ProvocationProvocation and ClarityClarity stacks.
  4. Maintain CataclysmCataclysm while engaged with enemies.
  5. MaulMaul as filler and for Fortify. Be careful not to consume ProvocationProvocation with Maul.

Check out the advanced Build Mechanics section for a more in-depth description on how the build works, what synergies exist, and what to look out for.

Season 5: Season of the Infernal Hordes

The following list details the important changes in the Season 5 Patch Updates that are specific to the Hurricane Druid. For general Season 5 information, check out our Season 5 Hub.


  • New Item – Locran's TalismanLocran’s Talisman – Your skills gain [0.10-0.40]%[+] Critical Strike Chance bonus per point of Primary Resource you have, up to [10-40]%[+]. Each point of Primary Resource above 100 grants 0.2%[x] Critical Strike Damage instead.
  • New Item – Mjölnic RyngMjölnic Ryng – -While Cataclysm is active, you gain unlimited Spirit and deal 40-100%X increased damage.
  • New Temper – Nature Magic InnovationNature Magic Innovation – Hurricane Size is now a Utility Temper
  • New Temper – Ultimate Efficiency —  DruidUltimate Efficiency – for Ultimate Skill cooldown reduction.
  • Shepherd's AspectShepherd’s Aspect:
    • Previous – Core and Wrath Skills deal an additional 5-10% damage per Companion you have.
    • Now – Companion Skills deal an additional 5-10% damage per Companion you have.
  • Several Changes to many Unique Item Gear Affixes.

Skills and Stats:

  • Gain 1% increased Skill Damage for every 8 primary Core Stat, reduced from 10 primary Core Stat.
  • HurricaneHurricane Damage buffed from 187% to 346%. Note: this is largely an offset from the change to Shepherd's AspectShepherd’s Aspect.
  • Poison CreeperPoison Creeper can now be cast while moving.
  • RavensRavens can now be cast while moving.
  • CataclysmCataclysm Lightning Strike rate is doubled. Now more consistently hits enemies with its lightning strikes.
  • Debilitating RoarDebilitating Roar Damage Reduction decreased from 70% to 40%.
  • Iron FurIron Fur increased for each Skill Rank from 3% to 4%
  • Heightened SensesHeightened Senses increased for each Skill Rank from 2% to 3%.
  • ThunderstruckThunderstruck Now has a maximum bonus capped at 60%.
  • Survival InstinctsSurvival Instincts now increases damage by up to 60%, from 50%.
  • WerebearWerebear Damage increased from 6.6% to 9.9%, Damage Reduction increased from 10% to 15%.

Advanced Information

It is time to get started on your Hurricane journey!

Or see below for further information on how the build works, as well as further explanations for Paragon, Gearing, and Gameplay, and available playstyle options.

Build Mechanics

The Hurricane Druid is an effective and tanky build with high damage that speeds through content. Our primary Skill is HurricaneHurricane, which benefits from several interactions from Skill Passives, Legendary Powers, Gearing, and supporting Skills. There is some important set-up to making this damage work.

Tempest RoarTempest Roar makes all Storm Skills into Werewolf Skills, which allows HurricaneHurricane to benefit from Shapeshifting Passives like QuickshiftQuickshift and EnvenomEnvenom. Storm skills, including HurricaneHurricane, will benefit heavily from multipliers like ThunderstruckThunderstruck. This is why Damage to Close is tempered onto gear.

ProvocationProvocation is how we guarantee HurricaneHurricane to Overpower. This Overpower works for the entire duration of the cast Hurricane. Insatiable FuryInsatiable Fury and MaulMaul filler attacks help keep us in Werebear form to keep ProvocationProvocation stacks ticking.

(Important) How many ranks in ProvocationProvocation can matter! Since Aspect of the TempestAspect of the Tempest increases Hurricane Damage with every tick, this means the longer we can Temper and Mastercraft the HurricaneHurricane, the more ramping damage it will tick for. Tempest stacks are reset on Hurricane refresh. So for example, if our Hurricane’s duration is 16 seconds, we would only want 2 points in ProvocationProvocation instead of 3, so that we can still use skills in that downtime and so Tempest stacks can go higher and deal more damage. Likewise, only a single point in ProvocationProvocation if our Hurricane is longer than 20 seconds.

The active skill use of Companions stack up ClarityClarity for more Critical Strike Chance and Damage multiplier to the entire HurricaneHurricane cast.

(Important) The active skill use of Ravens and Wolves can Overpower their attacks. Poison Creeper cannot. This means Ravens and Wolves need to be cast for ClarityClarity stacks before Provocation reaches max stacks.

CataclysmCataclysm is our Ultimate ability. With the Mjölnic RyngMjölnic Ryng, it will provide up to a 100% damage multiplier while active. We use ranks in Endless TempestEndless Tempest, Calm before the Storm and Calamity Spirit Boons, and optionally FlickerstepFlickerstep to keep uptime on the Skill.

Ursine StrengthUrsine Strength is a steady Damage and Overpower multiplier that benefits from the damage increase in any Form, so long as you are Healthy. Healthy means to be above 80% Life. These bonuses are increased by Insatiable FuryInsatiable Fury.

There are no native sources of Unstoppable for this build. Use Aspect of MetamorphosisAspect of Metamorphosis and Boot Impicit Affix for Attacks to reduce Evade Cooldown if desired.


The Paragon Board is a progression system unlocked at Level 50, giving player power through Common stat Nodes, Magic affix Nodes, Rare leveled Glyphs, and Legendary board-exclusive Nodes. For general paragon board information, check the guide here.

The recommended Paragon boards with images for the Hurricane Druid are listed above. The following section goes over some explanation and descriptions for the pathing process for the Hurricane Druid.

Broadly speaking, decisions for pathing through the Druid paragon board are divided into three categories:

  • Damage – The paragon boards provide a significant amount of Damage Multipliers and Additives. This includes:
  • Defense – The paragon boards help reach goals on Damage Reduction, Armor and Resistances. This includes:
    • Damage Reduction is improved from WerebearWerebear, UndauntedUndaunted and TerritorialTerritorial secondary effects, as well as individual nodes providing bonuses like Damage Reduction against Vulnerable enemies.
    • Resistances are improved from Magic and Rare Resistance nodes, with Earth and SkyEarth and Sky and OutmatchOutmatch bonuses improving their nearby Resistance nodes.
    • Armor goals are reached with the help of Armor nodes in Inner BeastInner Beast.
  • Build Functionality – The paragon boards improve total build functionality including:
    • Max Life% nodes increase Effective Health but also boost capability for total Fortify as well. This increases overall output for Overpower damage.


  • 7 August, 2024: Updated for post-launch of season 5. No Changes to Skills, Gearing or Paragon.
  • 2 August 2024: Updated for patch 1.5.0 and Season of the Infernal Hordes.
  • 17 June, 2024: Updated for mid-season patch 1.4.3.
  • May 15, 2024: Small changes in gear affixes to adjust for season launch changes from PTR.
  • 10 May, 2024: Guide Created.
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